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1 to 10 of 703 Results
MS Word - 13.1 KB - MD5: db84ac6af90cc621a2d17a2ceec01e31
A template to be filled in and signed by the data requester to access the data
Adobe PDF - 144.5 KB - MD5: dbdcce4c648eed95947499fb45657996
Full consent form used to collect individual informed consent.
MS Word - 23.0 KB - MD5: 13eb7bb50887b12b0412e8f8ef64d31e
This is the full guide used for the individual photovoice interviews.
Adobe PDF - 392.5 KB - MD5: a818b27a6c4b59181dfc33d61dc7c5ef
MS Word - 2.7 MB - MD5: a6014085371c6f9b788ef83360bc653d
Final proposal document of the CGIAR initiative on climate resilience called ClimBeR
MS Word - 285.8 KB - MD5: ac3d4b15eaaa47fb6ef562dfb5ae7e15
Brief summarising the 8 case studies carried out by the BRIDGE collective in Morocco/Tunisia and Senegal for ClimBeR
MS Word - 952.8 KB - MD5: d52aa4b87be043129f4c80e5e64f08ec
Document describing BRIDGE activities, under the Climate Change theme of the France CGIAR Action Plan and listing recommendations for the French commission on international agricultural research CRAI
MS Word - 23.4 KB - MD5: edda23e5d3094530b44899da227bb3b6
Brief describing the BRIDGE concept of co-Building Resilient climate and water smart farming systems with Interdisciplinary and Integrated models and multi-actor Decision and chanGE platforms in water-scarce MENA and Sahel regions
Adobe PDF - 3.8 MB - MD5: 2e4abf6b1a431afe02fe650208d9da84
Webinar presentation by V. Vadez of the cross-scale integrated modelling approaches of BRIDGE (2022)
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