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721 to 730 of 737 Results
Jan 5, 2022 - Project ANR PI2P
Rebaudo, Francois; Callizaya Condori, Franz; Quispe Tarqui, Reinaldo, 2022, "Climatic dataset from PROINPA, Khipakhipani, La Paz, Bolivia, 2021",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:oAxkUn2xl4j2OwjMmjv42w== [fileUNF]
This dataset corresponds to climate data for the year 2021 at Fundación PROINPA, Khipakhipani, La Paz, Bolivia. The data includes temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure in three separate CSV files with approximately one measurement every minute. The first column ind...
Adobe PDF - 268.5 KB - MD5: f0b7260fcb4563448b4c749a6c250e24
simple graphical representations of the dataset performed with R
PNG Image - 51.4 KB - MD5: c4437ca69d07fc16d7e10ad296e2db98
cover image for the dataset
Tabular Data - 10.3 MB - 2 Variables, 363841 Observations - UNF:6:Y14Y7pcEUXcZJ8NAmkLJVA==
DataTime Series
Tabular Data - 10.3 MB - 2 Variables, 363850 Observations - UNF:6:5OFVBQJUwC9WcGuvR0vRCQ==
DataTime Series
relative humidity
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