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21 to 30 of 884 Results
Jan 10, 2024 - Published in CIRAD Dataverse
Chave, Jérôme; Gloor, Emanuel; Phillips, Oliver; Blanc, Lilian; Feldpausch, Ted; Monteagudo-Mendoza, Abel; Baraloto, Christopher; Engel, Julien; Pétronelli, Pascal, 2024, ""Grand Plateau" permanent plots fourth census, 2008, Nouragues forest",, CIRAD Dataverse
Forest censuses from the Nouragues research station, CNRS, French Guiana, in the Guyafor network. This dataset gathered trees location, botanical identification and size measurement from the 2008 census. The mission of the Nouragues research Station is to foster scientific resear...
This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Jan 1, 2024 - UMR ESPACE-DEV
Lima, Ana Cristina Silva Ferreira; Volmir Zanini, 2024, "Coletas larvas - Locais e datas",, DataSuds-geo
Locais e datas dos amostrados para pesquisa larvária (criadouros).
This dataset is harvested from DataSuds-geo repository. / Ce jeu de données est moissonné à partir de l'entrepôt DataSuds-geo.
Dec 21, 2023 - UMR ISTerre
Youssef, Eliane; Cornou, Cécile; Youssef Abdel Massih, Dalia; Al-Bittar, Tamara, 2023, "Digital surface geology map of Beirut and suburbs (Lebanon)",, DataSuds-geo
The surface geology in the city of Beirut (Lebanon) is very complex and highly variable at small distances. The last attempt to identify geological soil units and plot a map of surface geology was proposed by Dubertret in 1945. A significant portion of the western side of the cit...
This dataset is harvested from DataSuds-geo repository.
Dec 14, 2023 - UMR ESPACE-DEV
Pré, Alexis, 2023, "Cartographie fine de la couverture de Macrocystis pyrifera sur l'archipel de Kerguelen à partir d'images Sentinel-2 acquises en 2020",, Zenodo
Cette donnée représente une cartographie fine de la couverture de Macrocystis pyrifera (MP) sur l’archipel de Kerguelen à partir d'images Sentinel-2 acquises en 2020. Etant donné la proximité de MP avec Durvilleae Antarctica (DA) (du point de vue de leur signature spectrale), les...
This dataset is harvested from DataSuds-geo repository. / Ce jeu de données est moissonné à partir de l'entrepôt DataSuds-geo.
Nov 20, 2023 - Published in CIRAD Dataverse
Maxime Réjou-Méchain; Frédéric Mortier; Jean-Francois Bastin; Guillaume Cornu; Nicolas Barbier; Nicolas Bayol; Fabrice Bénédet; Xavier Bry; Gilles Dauby; Vincent Deblauwe; Jean-Louis Doucet; Charles Doumenge; Adeline Fayolle; Claude Garcia; Jean-Paul Kibambe; Jean-Joël Loumeto; Alfred Ngomanda; Pierre Ploton; Bonaventure Sonke; Catherine Trottier; Ruppert Vimal; Olga Yongo; Raphael Pelissier; Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury, 2023, "Maps of central African rainforest composition and vulnerability",, CIRAD Dataverse
This is a dataset repository for the manuscript: Réjou-Méchain, M., Mortier, F., Bastin, J.-F., Cornu G., Barbier, N., Bayol, N., Bénédet, F., Bry, X., Dauby, G., Deblauwe, V., Doucet, J.-L., Doumenge, C., Fayolle, A., Garcia, C., Kibambe, J.-P., Loumeto, J.-J., Ngomanda, A., Plo...
This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Nov 13, 2023 - UMR LEMAR
OUGIER, Sandra; BACH, Pascal; LE LOC'H, François; AUBIN, Joël; GASCUEL, Didier, 2023, "A multidimensional dashboard dataset on tropical tuna fishing fleet in Atlantic and Indian Oceans",, Recherche Data Gouv
This data includes indicators estimated in a multicriteria dashboard applied to assess sustainability of tropical tuna fisheries in Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The objective of this work was to test a multidimensional approach, accounting for the ecological, economic and social d...
This dataset is harvested from another repository. Clicking the link will take you directly to the source of the data.
Oct 25, 2023 - UMR Geoazur
Durand, Virginie; Mangeney, Anne; Bernard, Pascal; Jia, Xiaoping; Bonilla, Fabian; Satriano, Claudio; Saurel, Jean-Marie; Aissaoui, El Madani; Peltier, Aline; Ferrazzini, Valérie; Kowalski, Philippe; Lauret, Frédéric; Brunet, Christophe; Hibert, Clément, 2023, "2007-2017 Rockfall Catalog of Piton de la Fournaise",, IPGP Research Collection
This dataset comprises a 10-year-long (2007-2017) catalog of rockfalls occurring in the Piton de la Fournaise volcano crater. The catalog is presented and analyzed in Durand et al.: Repetitive small seismicity coupled with rainfall can trigger large slope instabilities on metasta...
This dataset is harvested from another repository. Clicking the link will take you directly to the source.
Oct 25, 2023 - Published in CIRAD Dataverse
Vieilledent, Ghislain, 2023, "Code for: Spatial scenario of tropical deforestation and carbon emissions for the 21st century",, CIRAD Dataverse
This dataset includes the code used to produce the results of the following scientific article: Vieilledent G., C. Vancutsem, C. Bourgoin, P. Ploton, P. Verley and F. Achard. Spatial scenario of tropical deforestation and carbon emissions for the 21st century. bioRxiv. doi: 10.11...
This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Oct 25, 2023 - Published in CIRAD Dataverse
Vieilledent, Ghislain; Tagliari, Mario M.; Danthu, Pascal; Leong Pock-Tsy, Jean-Michel; Cornu, Cyrille, 2023, "Code and data for: Not all species will migrate poleward as the climate warms: the case of the seven baobab species in Madagascar",, CIRAD Dataverse
This repository includes code and data for the following article: TAGLIARI Mario M., Pascal DANTHU, Jean-Michel LEONG POCK TSY, Cyrille CORNU, Jonathan LENOIR, Vítor CARVALHO-ROCHA, Ghislain VIEILLEDENT. 2021. Not all species will migrate poleward as the climate warms: the case o...
This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Oct 25, 2023 - UMR Eco&Sols
Laurent, Céline; Bravin, Matthieu; Blanchart, Eric; Crouzet, Olivier; Pelosi, Céline; Lamy, Isabelle, 2023, "Replication Data for: Does a decade of soil organic fertilization promote copper and zinc bioavailability to epi-endogeic earthworms?",, CIRAD Dataverse
Dataset of the paper entitled "Does a decade of soil organic fertilization promote copper and zinc bioavailability to epi-endogeic earthworms?" While long-term organic fertilizer (OF) application tends to decrease copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) availability in agricultural soils, eart...
This dataset is harvested from another repository. The link will take you directly to the source of the data.
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