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21 to 30 of 1,056 Results
PNG Image - 203.5 KB - MD5: 36b66cdabf0237cc390dc8d7427ef63b
DocumentationVue d'ensemble
Schéma présentant les outils d'enquêtes mobilisés
PNG Image - 1.0 MB - MD5: 428c39ab1a95a9d502e34c4de2cc4f9b
DocumentationVue d'ensemble
Carte de localisation des zones d'enquêtes à Madagascar : 1 site pilote (Miary) et 6 zones situées dans le sud de l'île (Ambahitra, Ambazoa, Beheloka, Maniry, Mahatalaky et Ifotaka)
PNG Image - 92.1 KB - MD5: c3c9cec259c8d5dbafb96fe9736ef36b
Schematic of the placement of the logger in the Bassac.
PNG Image - 40.3 KB - MD5: 120b77ee528ae9e7b29ffc3aa04bc3f8
Schematic of the placement of a logger in a well at a mango farm.
PNG Image - 105.9 KB - MD5: 97585f3588d25fd57c6834bbcb3cc1a2
Schematic of the placement of the logger in Prek Chann at the drain.
JPEG Image - 102.8 KB - MD5: 7b9e42859b6cd0dfd14dfc2593b4b7e9
Schematic of the placement of the logger in Prek Chann, downstream of the gate.
PNG Image - 36.6 KB - MD5: b4a461a77931477ec212320b706f26b9
Schematic of the placement of the logger in Prek Chann upstream of the gate.
PNG Image - 120.4 KB - MD5: 689320fffa8b06af174aa82c0ec5e476
Schematic of the placement of the logger at the western end of Prek Chann.
PNG Image - 95.5 KB - MD5: 317babb8a9087601141ef5095395b65c
Schematic of the placement of the logger in Prek Touch at the bridge.
PNG Image - 172.7 KB - MD5: 03cc3fb18ed5958765609dbbad127c3b
Schematic of the placement of the water level logger at the bridge in a canal in the western part of the study area.
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