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61 to 70 of 136 Results
UMR MoISA(Cirad, INRAE, IRD, Montpellier SupAgro, Ciheam-IAMM)
UMR MoISA logo
Aug 25, 2021
Montpellier Interdisciplinary research center on Sustainable Agri-food systems L'UMR MoISA s'intéresse aux problématiques liées aux stratégies d'acteurs, qu'ils soient privés ou publics, individuels (consommateurs) ou collectifs (groupes sociaux de production marchande ou non mar...
Data collected as part of M-TROPICS based research projects logo
Jul 13, 2021
This collection contains data that have been collected as part of research projects that benefited from the scientific, technical, and/or logistical support of the CZO Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS (M-TROPICS). M-TROPICS consists of the merging of two previously-existing Critica...
Photo-ID Catalog of marine mammals from New Caledonia and Antarctica(IRD - French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development)
Jul 8, 2021UMR Entropie
Catalogue de photo-identification de mammifères marins de Nouvelle-Calédonie: baleine à bosse, grand dauphin de l'Indo-Pacifique, grand dauphin, globicéphale tropical et de Terre Adélie: orque, baleine à bosse Photo-ID catalog of marine mammals from New Caledonia: humpback whale,...
Jun 24, 2021DiTECT-HAT
DiTECT-HAT: Diagnostic Tools for Human African Trypanosomiasis Elimination and Clinical Trials How to diagnose HAT in basic health centres? How to monitor elimination of HAT? And how to asses cure after treatment of HAT? The DiTECT-HAT project develops cost-effective diagnostic a...
Jun 22, 2021Ivory Coast Development Knowledge Fabric Lab
Opération de recherche réalisée à Brakaguhé en 2016; enquête de terroir sociodémographique et foncière.
Jun 17, 2021
Local Heritage and Governance (Patrimoines Locaux et Gouvernance) The research unit PALOC is interested in the processes of patrimonialisation in the countries of the South and in the governance associated with them, by privileging the logics of the local actors, in resonance wit...
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