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261 to 270 of 293 Results
Tabular Data - 8.3 MB - 1532 Variables, 3639 Observations - UNF:6:FKFrPYF+LGxpQhT8ZoTgXQ==
Tabular Data - 1.9 MB - 177 Variables, 4983 Observations - UNF:6:8SGLLnVYjWvC5Yaj/AMHog==
Tabular Data - 45.9 KB - 93 Variables, 178 Observations - UNF:6:W/zwzLWiyGS0/4Lp2tfcuA==
Tabular Data - 1.3 MB - 339 Variables, 2619 Observations - UNF:6:1QDtQovxs2ZehAb3muZmzQ==
Adobe PDF - 1.5 MB - MD5: c6bc0a000fa3cbc6e89e8a13674a0a2a
The household questionnaire.
Adobe PDF - 1.8 MB - MD5: a4b749c95feab3218b4bad0a27b26982
The individual questionnaire.
Adobe PDF - 810.6 KB - MD5: c1de9c74acae32a2e90a77334b3e8966
Survey manual explaining survey methodology, file descriptions and including the data dictionary.
Plain Text - 1.8 KB - MD5: 6d4ad0badf2bbe7edb8dc88eaec3c897
Dataset citation, description and terms of use
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