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261 to 270 of 304 Results
Plain Text - 7.9 KB - MD5: 547d501772df343c5f97e4a52ef3211d
Aggregated data dictionary
Plain Text - 7.9 KB - MD5: ce3ab3756510280c8160758b86efec7b
Aggregated data dictionary
Tabular Data - 15.2 KB - 301 Variables, 11 Observations - UNF:6:YNLjCiQ/G83EOR4koW3xmA==
DataMetadataTime Series
Station Aghien - Lagune Aghien
Tabular Data - 15.1 KB - 301 Variables, 11 Observations - UNF:6:AKoVzHygZpPTTnfIC/jg7w==
DataMetadataTime Series
Station Akandjé - Lagune Aghien
Tabular Data - 15.0 KB - 301 Variables, 11 Observations - UNF:6:blZEaTm9Y7H1AQkLEiH8Og==
DataMetadataTime Series
Station Bété - Rivière
Tabular Data - 15.2 KB - 301 Variables, 11 Observations - UNF:6:0oC3Odi7idMs7L4jRHtJ8A==
DataMetadataTime Series
Station Chenal - Chenal Aghien/Potou
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