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21 to 30 of 263 Results
ZIP Archive - 1.5 MB - MD5: 6138161cbaf90f270c3099996e82b446
DonnéesSéries temporelles
Répertoire des 38 stations hydrometriques : contours des sous-bassins, débits mensuels issus du système d'informations SIEREM
ZIP Archive - 451.2 KB - MD5: 1b583a7329bfcb7ec48a8406ceba79f4
Couche du réseau hydrographique du bassin de la Volta
ZIP Archive - 2.7 MB - MD5: dc9072b4bed3ac7891d3cc2ab148febd
Observed data on rainfall, air temperature and streamflow.
Gzip Archive - 53.7 MB - MD5: 7ac07ce9f286e974d6c5c572c40f78d8
VCF file containing the raw genomic data of pearl millet. This data file is associated with the script "S2_filter_VCF.html".These data are published in Berthouly-Salazar et al. (2016).
ZIP Archive - 2.4 MB - MD5: 78f8e98ee8b600d69a16aa635d8821df
Simulated streamflows at daily and monthly time steps.
ZIP Archive - 17.4 KB - MD5: d853175c58091f1ccc84d97719b1ba58
Attributes covering a wide range of topographic, climatic, geological, land cover, hydrogeological and hydrological signatures indices.
ZIP Archive - 120.3 MB - MD5: b127c1800741aa9bd58040476cbc4bae
Graphical sheets summarizing the main characteristics of Haitian catchments.
ZIP Archive - 401.0 KB - MD5: 65cbb2f813d0ac6b4fc58e6eee4abf89
Weights of the rainfall and air temperatures series obtained using Thiessen polygons.
ZIP Archive - 2.0 KB - MD5: a795fad1df2f2476c2a293664d5071e1
Parameters of the GR2M and the GR4J rainfall-runoff models and the KGE scores.
ZIP Archive - 2.5 KB - MD5: 7be9569ec64ff3c85a9a6dc769debe72
R script for importing data, calculating catchment scale data and calibrating the GR2M models.
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