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261 to 263 of 263 Results
ZIP Archive - 6.2 MB - MD5: e8cda031b91251175c290c43aa544835
Monthly mean, maximum and minimum runoff (last column is the number of missing days per month) ; one file per station. Columns are year, month, mean, maximum and minimum monthly runoff, the last column is the number of missing days per month
ZIP Archive - 354.7 KB - MD5: 83bd2bf16ec81e74b9347e8d37a1d5b9
Fichiers d'annotations créés avec le logiciel BRAT - Annotation files created using BRAT software.
ZIP Archive - 371.6 KB - MD5: 249109385427c43dbcbf9899f3298c1d
Documents annotés anonymisés - Anonymized annotated documents.
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