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241 to 250 of 280 Results
HTML - 83.6 MB - MD5: 289cce939aa787443e70f5eb880ee575
This HTML file records the code and the output of most secondary analysis computing tasks performed to generate the material that is relevant to the manuscript on xisRNAs referenced in the Related Publication metadata. See the RData file to access the individual objects in the R...
R Markdown Text - 324.6 KB - MD5: ede28f634dc2712e930c4d8c3783e472
This R Markdown file records the code of most secondary analysis computing tasks performed to generate the material that is relevant to the manuscript on xisRNAs referenced in the Related Publication metadata. The accompanying html file was generated using this rmd file.
Plain Text - 3.5 KB - MD5: 02c09a0469462c3e19d2fd6847e52c63
Documentationmetadata, description
File list with contents description of ADHI
Plain Text - 107.1 MB - MD5: c7877b143340dab9f06f17803716c20d
Simulated peakflow (liters per second). Raster file in ASCII ESRI format ; missing data coded as -9999
Plain Text - 46.4 KB - MD5: e5a17d624409c0fd6ecce49ba7f7ab0a
Original Singular Enrichment Analysis results file for GO Slim Gene ontology terms in the “Rice MSU7.0 nonTE gene” dataset on the AgriGO website ( - date: 10/09/2020) with the list of cis-gene identifiers and default parameter values (Fisher stati...
Plain Text - 7.9 KB - MD5: 547d501772df343c5f97e4a52ef3211d
Aggregated data dictionary
Plain Text - 7.9 KB - MD5: ce3ab3756510280c8160758b86efec7b
Aggregated data dictionary
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