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11 to 20 of 362 Results
Adobe PDF - 1.5 MB - MD5: 92defefb725542bb8a4857acb6ee6aba
Peer-reviewed paper on application of the WEFE nexus multicriteria analytical framework in Morocco
Adobe PDF - 2.6 MB - MD5: 05b558a9c095e3aab978a1111203573f
BRIDGE presentation on water smart crop diversification pathways, including options for dryland crops and rice systems in Senegal, for the ClimBeR Senegal science policy dialogue held in December 2023
Adobe PDF - 1.4 MB - MD5: 260c157bc0a37b6b25a36ac3315564d0
BRIDGE literature review on co-production of climate smart decision support frameworks
MS Word - 30.1 KB - MD5: abe0f31ff77b1bfef678ea8dacff62b9
Document on the 2 Degree France CGIAR workshop on climate change research priorities
Adobe PDF - 496.7 KB - MD5: 8fe2ccbdcbae5329fbbbcb4f42d6411b
Concept Note developed for DESIRA call following up the 2019 France CGIAR Montpellier workshop
Adobe PDF - 924.7 KB - MD5: effd4b6022655dd94f49062dd32812bf
Initial France CGIAR workshop to harness research collaboration between France and the CGIAR organisation
Adobe PDF - 670.5 KB - MD5: 9b884d150a58b62110d52e239580cc20
Policy brief (in French) on citrus orchard biodiversification pathways for climate resilience in Tunisia. Produced by the international lab NAILA
Adobe PDF - 637.5 KB - MD5: c81ac7f98b8a4405b132ae00e39de445
Peer-reviewed article on the creation of groundwater comanagement tools for the Maghreb region
Adobe PDF - 6.7 MB - MD5: 28cb33ddfb2a9016f2f28349e65bcbe6
Slidedeck UM6P proposal testing efficient irrigation options for olive cropping systems in Morocco
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Final activity report from UM6P on efficient irrigation for olive systems in Morocco
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