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651 to 660 of 703 Results
Sep 18, 2020 - Racine 2.2
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 5.0 MB - MD5: 8012ce30b4ca5df89866f219664916cc
Application (runs in MS.Excel)
MS Word - 31.9 KB - MD5: c8bb0225412d25df9497203781e21a56
24hr recall tool used in Ghana
Adobe PDF - 330.5 KB - MD5: e37ff7151a4a8b1c248542583bff3039
24hr recall tool used in Ghana
MS Word - 39.4 KB - MD5: daf5558d95bbf6bf6fa9e07e4660a546
Consent form used for participants in Ghana
Adobe PDF - 239.3 KB - MD5: fc2bf676b9d65f12007c7f6f5b215461
Consent form used for participants in Ghana
Adobe PDF - 582.8 KB - MD5: 140412fc4f71ea233e80b4e642870361
Dictionary of variables (data dictionary) used in the 24hr recall tool used in Ghana
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 29.4 KB - MD5: c901829128a1ecd7277925c2f404cb11
Dictionary of variables (data dictionary) used in the 24hr recall tool used in Ghana
MS Word - 94.0 KB - MD5: 087e0e6ed9f7b6dfed4eed4a09288267
Consent form used for participants in Kenya
Adobe PDF - 378.7 KB - MD5: a7ce4e0a2378dd85ed49d1232542ed87
Consent form used for participants in Kenya
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 138.9 KB - MD5: 81dca9cee2289b9bc7a670304e1b2cfe
Données complètes (9 tables) - Whole dataset
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