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41 to 50 of 703 Results
Adobe PDF - 1.3 MB - MD5: fdf95f2aa4879147b1f111712dae200b
Stakeholder workshop report on multi-disciplinary working groups
Adobe PDF - 270.5 KB - MD5: cf63aa1dc7d6f696548feede0e6384f8
Slidedeck IRD proposal on multidisciplinary working groups as climate services co-production model for Senegal
Adobe PDF - 5.0 MB - MD5: 0f03fb5395f1fccde7c078672cadfe84
Final activity report on multi-disciplinary working groups, a climate services co-production model for Senegal
Adobe PDF - 1.6 MB - MD5: f6574e61b804ec5e77736479b67298d1
Slidedeck on ICARDA proposed activities in Morocco/Senegal
Adobe PDF - 260.1 KB - MD5: 595eed40330027ead7d6f5b3942a51bb
Notice for the contents of the datasets and description of the files Gridded data, monthly flow rates, GIS layers
Adobe PDF - 261.1 KB - MD5: ed3f7f2d6b077c594f4db65c8e3e2725
Notice explicative du contenu des jeux de données et description des fichiers maillés, débits, contours de bassins versants
MS Word - 15.8 KB - MD5: dabb710bd8e7887d40d12df2370f8fb4
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