1 to 10 of 14 Results
Dec 20, 2023UMR Entropie
This dataverse contains all the information relating to each stranding of marine mammals recorded in New Caledonia since the 1980s and until end 2022: stranding sheets autopsy report notes / comments pictures newspaper articles Ce dataverse contient toutes les informations relati... |
Oct 18, 2023
Sciences économiques et sociales de la santé & traitement de l’information médicale L’UMR SESSTIM regroupe trois équipes en sciences économiques, humaines et sociales (SHES) et santé publique centrées sur des applications aux cancers (Equipe CAN-BIOS), aux maladies infectieuses e... |
Sep 21, 2023UMR EGCE
UNDERSTANDING AND ANTICIPATING MECHANISMS OF HONEY BEE COLONY MORTALITY WITH CONNECTED BEEHIVES BeeConnected aims at understanding mechanisms underlying winter mortality risk of honeybee colonies and to identify early-warning indicators that could help beekeepers limiting colony... |
Aug 29, 2023UMR MIVEGEC
Malaria control : Improving access to pREventive, diAgnostical and CuraTive arsenal among rural and vulnerable communities (REACT2 project) The fight against malaria faces now the challenge of the emergence and expansion of the resistance to both curative (treatment) and preventi... |
Aug 3, 2023Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project
The Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project (MCRMP) aimed to map coral reefs worldwide at geomorphological thematic scales using Landsat satellite images at 30 m spatial resolution. The 5-level hierarchical classification scheme implemented by MCRMP identified at Level 2 ‘Atolls’ a... |
Aug 3, 2023UMR Entropie
The Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project provides thematic maps of coral reefs worldwide at geomorphological scale. Maps were created by photo-interpretation of Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 satellite images. |
Jul 19, 2023
Dialogue Science-Decision-Makers for the Integrated Management of the Coastal and Marine Environment Integrate scientific knowledge into decision-making for coastal and marine management in the Western Indian Ocean (Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, T... |
May 10, 2023
Laboratoire Mixte International CARIBACT Les pays de la Caraïbe partagent un domaine physiographique exposé à des menaces environnementales similaires. Le développement de solutions durables face à ces menaces doit s’appuyer sur un cadre de recherche et d’innovation solide, un dé... |
Mar 22, 2023
Laboratory of Space Geophysical and Oceanographic Studies (LEGOS joint research unit) The LEGOS research and teaching scientific fields include oceanography and the water cycle in the broadest sense, with the physics of the oceanic, hydrological, cryospheric and atmospheric compo... |