1 to 10 of 13 Results
Dec 5, 2024
The Observatory of Rural Dynamics and Inequalities in South India (ODRIIS) analyses over the past 15 years how structural changes in contemporary South India are reshaping the organisation of work, social hierarchies and household livelihoods using first-hand and original data (q... |
Oct 7, 2024UMR HydroSciences Montpellier
La collection ActNAO contient les données qui seront partagées par le collectif ActNAO qui travaille sur la thématique de l'ACTualisation des Normes hydrologiques en Afrique de l'Ouest. Il faut agir maintenant! The ActNAO collection contains data that will be shared by the ActNAO... |
Sep 24, 2024
The CRBE studies the influence of environmental changes and their interactions on the living earth, and the feedback of socio-ecological systems on these changes. Research into biodiversity and ecosystem functioning combines concepts from ecology, evolutionary biology and environ... |
Jul 21, 2024Climate data rescue of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos
Collection A of the ‘Climate data rescue of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos’ database contains all the meteorological data published between 1890 and 1973 in various general or meteorological journals from the colonial and post-colonial periods. 1. Annales du Bureau Central Météorolog... |
Jun 6, 2024
The Joint Research Unit "Water Management, Actors, Territories" (UMR G-EAU) brings together 90 permanent researchers and engineers and around 50 PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from different disciplines who work together on integrated and adaptive water management issu... |
May 23, 2024Vietnam
Accronyme : Climate Data Rescue This database brings together in a single data warehouse all the meteorological data produced during the colonial period in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos by the French Navy and military hospitals at the end of the 19th century, and by the Indochina Me... |
May 14, 2024UMR PRODIG
Pour faire face à la vulnérabilité de la capitale péruvienne suite à un séisme, le projet Sirad (Sistema de Información sobre Recursos para la Atención de Desastres en Lima y Callao) a été mené entre avril 2010 et février 2011 par l’équipe Pacivur (Programme andin de formation et... |
Apr 26, 2024
The purpose of CESBIO is to contribute to the progress of knowledge on the functioning of continental surfaces and their interactions with climate and humans, relying heavily on satellite data. Satellites constitute one of the few means available to obtain coherent measurements o... |
Mar 25, 2024
The Institute of Earth Sciences (ISTerre) is a joint research unit of the CNRS, Grenoble-Alpes University, the University of Savoie Mont Blanc, the IRD, and Gustave Eiffel University. ISTerre is a leading laboratory for Grenoble’s Universe Sciences Observatory (OSUG) whose resear... |