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271 to 280 of 339 Results
Adobe PDF - 38.8 KB - MD5: 804f2621d10c84bb799ce7221ab78453
Multiple sequences alignment of the three most abundant unique read signatures for each strand of the xisRNA010 locus as well as the sequence of the annotated MSU locus transcript in this window.
Adobe PDF - 38.5 KB - MD5: 8d414ef10406ec357a3b99a05aa73b74
Multiple sequences alignment of the three most abundant unique read signatures for each strand of the xisRNA022 locus as well as the sequence of the annotated MSU locus transcript in this window.
Adobe PDF - 39.1 KB - MD5: 21d67884a8775769d05e34b913916cc6
Multiple sequences alignment of the three most abundant unique read signatures for each strand of the xisRNA023 locus as well as the sequence of the annotated MSU locus transcript in this window.
Mar 3, 2021 - Equipe DIAL
Mesple-Somps, Sandrine; Spielvogel, Gilles; Doumbia Gakou, Assa; Sougane, Arouna; Delesalle, Esther; Gubert, Flore, 2021, "Replication data for: Migration response to drought in Mali",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:eaEqZIjh+MLbdtt1gaeEVQ== [fileUNF]
The project consists in combining population census data and climate data to estimate the volume of migrations induced by the drought events that have hit Mali since the late 1980s (A WP describing the research objectives, related literature, methodology and main results can be f...
Tabular Data - 5.7 KB - 4 Variables, 60 Observations - UNF:6:b/feCJ40t/JuM3LiggT/bw==
Description of all variables contained in file MigrationDroughtMali_Datafile1
Tabular Data - 4.9 MB - 60 Variables, 20260 Observations - UNF:6:15i0nOxB3AWdGS9hEfXQ9g==
Contains all the variables used in regressions on net migration rates
Tabular Data - 5.1 KB - 4 Variables, 36 Observations - UNF:6:CiuXd7zT3TpGrR562s48RA==
Description of all variables contained in file MigrationDroughtMali_Datafile2
Tabular Data - 13.2 MB - 36 Variables, 59220 Observations - UNF:6:2yWqqphRS8t2WfFn+BuAFg==
Contains all the variables used in regressions on international emigration rates
Feb 21, 2021 - Ivory Coast Development Knowledge Fabric Lab
Kouassi, Kouadio Apolinaire, 2021, "Géographie de l'économie de plantation durable en Côte d'Ivoire : introduction et soutenabilité de l'agriculture biologique du Cacao dans les terroirs paysans de la zone forestière ivoirienne (2019-2022)",, DataSuds, V2
Cette opération de recherche correspond à la réalisation d'une thèse sous le thème « Géographie de l'économie de plantation durable en Côte d'Ivoire : introduction et soutenabilité de l'agriculture biologique du Cacao dans les terroirs paysans de la zone forestière ivoirienne » p...
Adobe PDF - 937.5 KB - MD5: e20bd03d00be7cb8389abbfc6ef3d872
Réaliser un Plan de gestion de données (PGD) dans le cadre d’un projet de thèse en articulation avec un entrepôt de la donnée scientifique dataverse : retour d'une expérience en cours au sein de l’Ivory Coast Development Fabric Knowledge Laboratory [IC-DFK Lab]. Présentation fait...
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