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61 to 70 of 362 Results
Comma Separated Values - 16.0 MB - MD5: ae6d48ab36e532b2c351ea39b18c50f5
station; Sainte Foi; Ivory Coast
Comma Separated Values - 9.6 MB - MD5: 2b84837739e91977712e1372260c5747
station; UFHB; Ivory Coast
Comma Separated Values - 9.6 MB - MD5: 73187e8a157beb434e585734b74459a8
station; UNA CFC; Ivory Coast
Comma Separated Values - 9.8 MB - MD5: f73f3e103c09e1f92a4f1fb873bce6df
station; UNA; Ivory Coast
Comma Separated Values - 9.2 MB - MD5: af2fab954ed7653a619f0dc73537015d
station; Yopougon Banco; Ivory Coast
Comma Separated Values - 8.9 MB - MD5: bc709dbdf2ccc73edc7cae947ab6284c
station; Yopougon CNPS; Ivory Coast
Aug 31, 2023 - ORIESA
Zahiri, Eric; Seguis, Luc; Kacou, Modeste; Kamagate, Bamory; Dao, Amidou; Perrin, Jean-Louis; Koffi, Serge Ehouman; Guilliod,Maurice; Dutremble, Clément, 2021, "Daily rainfall in Abidjan district (Côte d'Ivoire) (2015-)",, DataSuds, V8, UNF:6:sG57ExU/kdBAVS+xCNDwpg== [fileUNF]
Daily rainfall from 21 pluviographs located in the District of Abidjan (Ivory Coast) The daily rain is recorded with tipping buckets rain gauge (tilting of the bucket for 0.5mm) Précis Mécanique® (rain interception cone 1.5m from the ground and with an area equal to 400 cm2). Tip...
Comma Separated Values - 27.0 KB - MD5: da8138fca705276b91ee1d03670c6394
station; Abobo bois sec; Ivory Coast
Comma Separated Values - 64.3 KB - MD5: 6aa22d1d435e9878346e198fbbc54485
station; Achokoi; Ivory Coast
Comma Separated Values - 35.0 KB - MD5: 60b55ad81e8453f9a725fa2b4d8ac23b
station; Adiopodoume-F1; Ivory Coast
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