81 to 90 of 136 Results
Oct 16, 2020Morocco (Maroc)
Laboratoire Mixte International "Télédétection et Ressources en Eau en Méditerranée semi-Aride" Les recherches développées par le LMI TREMA portent sur la gestion durable de l’eau dans les bassins versants typiques de la Méditerranée du Sud qui associent zones montagneuses faisan... |
Oct 12, 2020
LABORATORY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MARINE SCIENCES LEMAR is a strongly interdisciplinary laboratory that brings together ecologists, biologists, biogeochemists, chemists, physicists and marine environment lawyers. Its objectives are (1) to conduct research on topics of fundamental resea... |
Sep 30, 2020UMR EGCE
Predicting Insect Pest Phenology: calibrating laboratory-based model parameter estimates from field-based monitoring of agroecosystems (PI2P) Worldwide, insect pests are responsible for potential crop losses up to 80%, so that crop protection plays a central role in safeguarding... |
Sep 11, 2020
EGCE laboratory (Evolution, Genomes, Behavior and Ecology) EGCE focuses on evolution and biodiversity. It adopts a multidisciplinary approach involving genomics, genetics and ecology at various levels, from genomes to species and even to communities. Different aspects of evolutio... |
Aug 31, 2020UMR MIVEGEC
The Porpoises genetics and genomics dataverse gathers together data and scripts from the porpoise ecological and evolutionary genetics & genomics project. This project aims at advancing our knowledge regarding the ecology and evolution of the seven species of porpoises (Phocoenid... |