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81 to 90 of 136 Results
ECOMED DATABASE(IRD - French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development)
Oct 27, 2020ECOMED
Base de données du projet erasmus + ECOMED
Oct 16, 2020Morocco (Maroc)
Laboratoire Mixte International "Télédétection et Ressources en Eau en Méditerranée semi-Aride" Les recherches développées par le LMI TREMA portent sur la gestion durable de l’eau dans les bassins versants typiques de la Méditerranée du Sud qui associent zones montagneuses faisan...
UMR LEMAR(Univ. Bretagne Occidentale, CNRS, IRD, Ifremer)
Oct 12, 2020
LABORATORY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MARINE SCIENCES LEMAR is a strongly interdisciplinary laboratory that brings together ecologists, biologists, biogeochemists, chemists, physicists and marine environment lawyers. Its objectives are (1) to conduct research on topics of fundamental resea...
Project ANR PI2P logo
Sep 30, 2020UMR EGCE
Predicting Insect Pest Phenology: calibrating laboratory-based model parameter estimates from field-based monitoring of agroecosystems (PI2P) Worldwide, insect pests are responsible for potential crop losses up to 80%, so that crop protection plays a central role in safeguarding...
JEAI GRAB(University of Abomey-Calavi and IRD)
Sep 16, 2020Benin
JEAI Genetic Resources & Agronomic Biodiversity in Benin (GRAB)
Benin logo
Sep 16, 2020Partnerships
UMR EGCE(Paris-Sud University, CNRS, IRD)
Sep 11, 2020
EGCE laboratory (Evolution, Genomes, Behavior and Ecology) EGCE focuses on evolution and biodiversity. It adopts a multidisciplinary approach involving genomics, genetics and ecology at various levels, from genomes to species and even to communities. Different aspects of evolutio...
Porpoises genetics and genomics logo
Aug 31, 2020UMR MIVEGEC
The Porpoises genetics and genomics dataverse gathers together data and scripts from the porpoise ecological and evolutionary genetics & genomics project. This project aims at advancing our knowledge regarding the ecology and evolution of the seven species of porpoises (Phocoenid...
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