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1 to 10 of 685 Results
Tabular Data - 279 B - 4 Variables, 5 Observations - UNF:6:ltQ5yZeR2M0mG6wjkbhtEA==
Data dictionary
Tabular Data - 259.9 KB - 6 Variables, 10506 Observations - UNF:6:tqkmhZPx/qJ/AQogYLZUNw==
Revisiting the Loa loa microfilaremia thresholds above which serious adverse events may occur with ivermectin treatment
Tabular Data - 40.2 KB - 19 Variables, 144 Observations - UNF:6:XN0JmtCcrm6bWwJYVzlHPQ==
Liana structure metrics are at the liana quadrats (20x20 m2) level. Environmental metrics are at the liana quadrat level with a 10-m buffer each side (40x40 m2). Liana functional trait metrics are Community weighted means at the quadrat level.
Tabular Data - 80.4 KB - 8 Variables, 454 Observations - UNF:6:Fdxg4s5yPPSJlBMWK4LknA==
Table of the toponyms recorded in the Vezo language and their respective literal meaning in Malagasy, French, and English and fishery survey period (1989-1990, 2009 and/or 2018-2019)
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