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41 to 50 of 884 Results
Jun 20, 2023 - UMR IGE
Hachgenei, Nico; Robinet, Nicolas; Baduel, Christine; Nord, Guillaume; Spadini, Lorenzo; Martins, Jean; Duwig, Céline, 2023, "Stream concentrations of micropollutants in the Claduègne, Ardèche",, Recherche Data Gouv
Stream concentrations of different organic micropollutants at different times and locations throughout the Claduègne catchment in Ardèche. The data include mainly human and veterinary pharmaceuticals. The analyzed molecules are: Atenolol, Bisoprolol, Caffeine, Carbamazepine, Ceti...
This dataset is harvested from another repository. The link will take you directly to the source of the data.
Apr 21, 2023 - UMR QualiSud
Namatsheve, Talent; Chikowo, Regis; Corbeels, Marc; Mouquet-Rivier, Claire; Icard-Vernière, Christèle; Cardinael, Rémi, 2023, "Data for: Maize-cowpea intercropping as an ecological intensification option for low input systems in sub-humid Zimbabwe: productivity, biological N2-fixation and grain mineral content",
This dataset comprises data from on farm trials conducted in sub-humid Zimbabwe during two cropping seasons (2017/18-2018/19). The study investigated the effect of maize-cowpea intercropping on productivity, biological N2-fixation and grain mineral content compared to sole crops....
This dataset is harvested from another repository. Clicking the link will take you directly to the source of the data.
Apr 3, 2023 - UMR LISAH
COULOUMA, Guillaume, 2023, "Carte pédologique du bassin versant de Roujan",, DataSuds-geo
Cette couche représente la carte des sols au 1/5000eme du bassin versant de Roujan (ORE OMERE). Elle est issue d’une numérisation du document synthétique de terrain correspondant à la carte pédologique au 1/5000ème du site. Les unités pédologiques sont détaillées dans la notice g...
This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Jan 18, 2023 - Published in CIRAD Dataverse
Gaillard, Cédric; Dury,Sandrine; Bosc, Pierre-Marie, 2024, "Exploration des liens entre agriculture et sécurité alimentaire : Une enquête auprès des femmes du gouvernorat de Sidi-Bouzid, en Tunisie centrale",, CIRAD Dataverse
Enquête réalisée en zone rurale du Centre-est de la Tunisie auprès des femmes, des chefs de ménages et des exploitations agricole.
This dataset is harvested from CIRAD Dataverse. Clicking the link will take you directly to the source.
Jan 18, 2023 - Published in CIRAD Dataverse
DAVID-BENZ, Hélène; ANDRIANDRALAMBO, Norontsoa; SOANJARA, Helgina, 2024, "Survey data : access to market information and marketing strategies of rice farmers in Madagascar",, CIRAD Dataverse
Socio -economic surveys on rice farms. Focused on (i) structural characteristics of farms, (ii) marketing strategies and constraints, (iii) access to information, and (iv) farmers’ perceptions and expectations towards market information systems
This dataset is harvested from CIRAD Dataverse. Clicking the link will take you directly to the source.
Jan 1, 2023 - UMR MARBEC
Labonne, Maylis; Morize, Eric; Kulbicki, Michel; Marec, Louis; Ponton, Dominique, 2023, "Geochemical data on otoliths of chaetodon speculum from New Caledonia",, SEANOE
Coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth. They are currently exposed to increasing levels of anthropogenic perturbations. Several recent reviews point to the lack of good indicators for these perturbations especially to monitor their effects on fish populations...
This dataset is harvested from another repository. Clicking the link will take you directly to the source of the data.
Jan 1, 2023 - UMR Eco&Sols
Jaillard, Benoît; Razanamalala, Kanto; Violle, Cyrille; Bernard, Laetitia, 2023, "Data from: Nonlinear Effects Induced by Interactions among Functional Groups of Bacteria and Fungi Regulate the Priming Effect in Malagasy Soils.",, Recherche Data Gouv
Data and R-code used in the paper Nonlinear Effects Induced by Interactions among Functional Groups of Bacteria and Fungi Regulate the Priming Effect in Malagasy Soils, by Benoît Jaillard, Kanto Razanamalala, Cyrille Violle and Laetitia Bernard, published in Microorganisms 2023,...
This dataset is harvested from another repository. The link will take you directly to the source of the data.
Jun 1, 2022 - UMR ESPACE-DEV
RANAIVOSON Bemana Njara José, 2022, "Sentinel-2 Madagascar mangrove cover density",, Zenodo
These datasets are Madagascar mangrove cover density products, called Sentinel-2 Madagascar mangrove cover density (2016 and 2018), based on 64 tiles analysis of high resolution satellite image Sentinel-2 (L2A Level). Data images are acquired at 1C level and pre-processed at the...
This dataset is harvested from DataSuds-geo repository. / Ce jeu de données est moissonné à partir de l'entrepôt DataSuds-geo.
May 30, 2022 - CES-PAYSAGE
ALLEAUME, SAMUEL, 2022, "Panoramas paysages Madagascar acquis par drone",
Contexte : clichés réalisés dans le cadre de la mission terrain pour le projet CES-Paysage, APR CNES du 29/04 au 03/05/2022 Réalisation : Panoramas réalisées à partir d’acquisition drones (Parrot, Anafi) et assemblés en utilisant le logiciel Hugin © (logiciel gratuit, GNU General...
This dataset is harvested from another repository (without curation by DataSuds team). The link will take you directly to the source of the data.
Mar 27, 2022 - Published in Recherche Data Gouv
Stokes, Alexia, 2022, "Method describing extraction of monoliths",
Choice of plots and method for extracting soil monoliths (to determine soil biophysical characteristics) along an elevational gradient at Massif de Belledonne, France
This digital object is harvested from Data INRAE repository. Clicking the link will take you directly to the source.
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