91 to 100 of 690 Results
Nov 8, 2022 -
Evaluation data for a multi-sectoral program to improve the resilience of households in Madagascar
Adobe PDF - 1.2 MB -
MD5: 3d5d15eea6c72808997b5617188d5c72
Survey questionnaire, French version |
Nov 8, 2022 -
Evaluation data for a multi-sectoral program to improve the resilience of households in Madagascar
Adobe PDF - 1.4 MB -
MD5: af5e83c04ed0f73171aec2689907674f
Survey questionnaire, Malagasy version |
Nov 7, 2022 -
Prospective evaluation of the specificity of serological tests for Human African Trypanosomiasis: documentation and data
Adobe PDF - 240.9 KB -
MD5: 7312d18864a1bb6bdd6f8fc4788f448a
Informed consent form and assent form (in French), PDF version |
Nov 7, 2022 -
Prospective evaluation of the specificity of serological tests for Human African Trypanosomiasis: documentation and data
Adobe PDF - 699.5 KB -
MD5: f454f320ca38fece7b7f4c84d8ce069e
Study protocol (in French), PDF version |
Oct 28, 2022Projet PROTECT
Etude MAPNET "Mapping social networks and community strategies in Southern Madagascar" (2019) Expertise collective IRD pour la Banque mondiale A quelle protection sociale les habitants du Sud de Madagascar ont-ils effectivement accès ? Alors que la politique nationale de protecti... |
Oct 28, 2022Projet PROTECT
Etude SYSMIPRO "Systèmes microlocaux de protection sociale" (2021) Région Nouvelle Aquitaine, ONG IISS A quelle protection sociale les habitants du Sud de Madagascar ont-ils effectivement accès ? Alors que la politique nationale de protection sociale est en pleine reconfiguration... |
Oct 28, 2022UMI SOURCE
Le projet Protect étudie l’articulation des logiques multiples façonnant les formes de la protection sociale à Madagascar. Il a pour finalité de caractériser les formes de la protection sociale à Madagascar, d’analyser leur adéquation avec les besoins des populations (pauvreté, v... |
Jupyter Notebook - 8.6 KB -
MD5: 48a731c69580534c9dc3435e2b0331f4
This notebook will download raster data (monthly precipitation) in high-resolution (~1x1 km), clip the tropical region and downsample raster at low-resolution (~10x10 km). |
Python Source Code - 5.3 KB -
MD5: 7b4cb0723bfc35ab6251601c993a94e4
This code will download raster data (monthly precipitation) in high-resolution (~1x1 km), clip the tropical region and downsample raster at low-resolution (~10x10 km). |
Jupyter Notebook - 11.5 KB -
MD5: 40073efc9b96795aa894a027776558f3
This notebook will download and process (reproject, rasterize, synchronize in HR or LR and encoding) Africa peat shapefiles |