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101 to 110 of 690 Results
Python Source Code - 6.4 KB - MD5: 750b408358fe0d10469db8eb7a728a43
This code will download and process (reproject, rasterize, synchronize in HR or LR and encoding) Africa peat shapefiles
Jupyter Notebook - 13.1 KB - MD5: 4acb1d26c60c15e8ad472188b965c80c
This notebook will download and process (reproject, union South and North America, rasterize, synchronize in HR or LR and encoding) America peat shapefiles
Python Source Code - 7.6 KB - MD5: ee5dc376ed5f2be49e4125105bde2bea
This code will download and process (reproject, union South and North America, rasterize, synchronize in HR or LR and encoding) America peat shapefiles
Jupyter Notebook - 12.6 KB - MD5: 45dd12aa67af30d36636be39e3436737
This notebook will download and process (reproject, union Southeast Asia and Oceania, rasterize, synchronize in HR or LR and encoding) Asia and Oceania peat shapefiles
Python Source Code - 7.3 KB - MD5: 7aadf793ebc05409196952a7e7477680
This code will download and process (reproject, union Southeast Asia and Oceania, rasterize, synchronize in HR or LR and encoding) Asia and Oceania peat shapefiles
Jupyter Notebook - 204.2 KB - MD5: 49714f9c6d1bba4ef193a86103fd83c4
This notebook will download and process (reproject, union) peat shapefiles
Python Source Code - 6.5 KB - MD5: 3b50a90ec99dc1f651bfabd5ce1faecc
This code will download and process (reproject, union) peat shapefiles
Jupyter Notebook - 331.4 KB - MD5: de477606342adce6dd7fecc70d03da0b
This notebook will calculate the following variables: precipitation amount (yearly) and seasonality index (dimensionless) and the coefficient of variation of precipitation (CV)
Python Source Code - 9.2 KB - MD5: 9122c11174bdf1944f009d4fa8b4c973
This code will calculate the following variables: precipitation amount (yearly) and seasonality index (dimensionless) and the coefficient of variation of precipitation (CV)
Jupyter Notebook - 215.2 KB - MD5: aea19aa99261170a0c1ab8a775eb5622
This notebook will process and plot the climate space (precipitation amount, seasonality index or precipitation CV) of tropical peatland areas in HR or LR
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