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261 to 270 of 318 Results
R Syntax - 15.9 KB - MD5: 2197d4e493f646297ed03db3e371a516
R script used to transform BLUEs and residues in order to achieve normality
R Syntax - 18.8 KB - MD5: 97c87ba6aa07de5baf01177be72fcb22
R script used to perform the Fisher combining analysis
R Syntax - 10.4 KB - MD5: 18a3cee3c24956d4bd8fc0ce8f97d939
R script used to perform the association analyses
R Syntax - 3.4 KB - MD5: edde31ddcad90b96aaf8d6dda72103c8
R script used to calculate the residues
R Syntax - 15.9 KB - MD5: 5afad459c14f98f4ee48646df79ded40
R script used to perform the Manhattan plots
Tabular Data - 41.0 KB - 23 Variables, 206 Observations - UNF:6:aQhYLUxEvS8gzYHzKlaUXg==
Ion content in the soil
Tabular Data - 12.7 KB - 8 Variables, 161 Observations - UNF:6:UyVPQ9FB7/NPKtyfMw02eA==
Table containing the 161 significant SNP identified
Jan 30, 2025 - UMI TransVIHMI
Campillo, Jérémy; Pakat-Pambou, Biam-Miveck; Sahm, Bachiratou; Pion, Sebastien D. S.; Hemilembolo, Marlhand C.; Lebredonchel, Elodie; Boussinesq, Michel; Missamou, François; Chesnais, Cédric, 2025, "Replication data for - Incidence of loiasis clinical manifestations in a rural area of the Republic of Congo: results from a longitudinal prospective study (the MorLo project)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:ot97WXQ0SsOwXC4RC0YeHw== [fileUNF]
Loiasis is endemic in Central Africa. Despite evidence of clinical complications and increased mortality, it remains excluded from the list of neglected tropical diseases. The main manifestations are Calabar swellings (CS), Eyeworm (EW) and non-specific general symptoms such arth...
Tabular Data - 27.4 KB - 13 Variables, 318 Observations - UNF:6:dFCLcW0hIoweFRZXnUre5Q==
File containing 'Absence' events in long format
Tabular Data - 69.5 KB - 14 Variables, 590 Observations - UNF:6:KsyMzOWdFmTg5IqD70Qiuw==
File containing 'Arthalgia' events in long format
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