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561 to 570 of 615 Results
TIFF Image - 540.3 MB - MD5: a545e2ea38adc9aad5910d074f771f16
Orthomosaic (WGS84 UTM48N, 1.45m)
Adobe PDF - 2.2 MB - MD5: 8eaa7b09edf3006c946c824ffaed16b0
Production report
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 6.5 KB - MD5: ad4c332c741aa87727354a11325b2e73
Shapefile ground control points (GCPs)
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 618.3 KB - MD5: 00a3861752a100ad08f40aaaf50dee4d
application/x-dbf - 1.6 KB - MD5: 250ecfc708af5f1b3c4b57165d0d3ada
ESRI Shapefile - 145 B - MD5: c742bee3d4edfc2948a2ad08de1790a5
ESRI Shapefile - 34.4 KB - MD5: 0213d19c18139f4f73e0c802fdb64635
ESRI Shapefile - 1.1 KB - MD5: ebdd0cd99ef450470b403a0f1f0b9dc7
Tabular Data - 107.7 KB - 4 Variables, 1847 Observations - UNF:6:YFdJGIuE/ZoKpD7AnoaOvQ==
DataTime Series
Séries temporelles de hauteur d'eau pour la station hydrométrique Bamako Pompage
Tabular Data - 779.3 KB - 4 Variables, 13415 Observations - UNF:6:MWNGpt2z8Q2J30bbFO5MeQ==
DataTime Series
Séries temporelles de hauteur d'eau pour la station hydrométrique Bamako Ville
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