251 to 260 of 339 Results
Mar 15, 2021 - Rain Cell project in Mali
Alcoba Kait, Matias; Noumaguel, Nogmana; Cazenave, Frederic, 2021, "Rainfall dataset of the May 16 2019 flood event in Bamako, Mali", https://doi.org/10.23708/ZI0ONV, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:NIECVHQc45Z8Ir42IELI/Q== [fileUNF]
On May 16 2019, an intense rainfall event led to devastating floods in Bamako, Mali. The Early Flood Warning System (EWS) Rain Cell app Bamako was partially operational. 6 rain gauges, spread over the city, recorded and sent rainfall intensities in real time. This text file conta... |
Tabular Data - 988 B - 6 Variables, 22 Observations - UNF:6:NIECVHQc45Z8Ir42IELI/Q==
This text file contains the rainfall data at 15-minutes times steps collected by the 6 rain gauges.
1rst row: header line, rain gauges name.
2nd row: header line, rain gauges code reference.
3rd row: header line, rain gauges longitude in decimal degrees.
4th row: header line... |
Mar 11, 2021 - Porpoises genetics and genomics
Ben Chehida, Yacine; Loughnane, Roisin; Thumloup, Julie; Kaschner, Kristin; Garilao, Cristina; Rosel, Patricia E.; Fontaine, Michael C., 2021, "Replication data for: No leading-edge effect in North Atlantic harbor porpoises: Evolutionary and conservation implications", https://doi.org/10.23708/LMH8Y8, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:j1jcc4A1Rs+FEedPbYzYIQ== [fileUNF]
These data are accompanying the manuscript "No leading-edge effect in North Atlantic harbor porpoises: Evolutionary and conservation implications" by Ben Chehida Y., Loughnane R., Thumloup J., Kaschner K., Garilao C., Rosel P.E., & Fontaine M.C. The manuscript has been posted as... |
Mar 11, 2021 -
Replication data for: No leading-edge effect in North Atlantic harbor porpoises: Evolutionary and conservation implications
Unknown - 655.4 KB -
MD5: da4517956b1ba25a2647dd804c0a3a3a
Fasta alignment of 150 mitochondrial DNA sequences (148 harbor porpoises and 2 Dall's porpoises, see Table S3 in Ben Chehida et al. 2021 Evol. App.). This alignment includes five mitochondrial coding regions (CytB, ATP6, ATP8, ND5, and COX-I). These sequences were used in all the... |
Mar 11, 2021 -
Replication data for: No leading-edge effect in North Atlantic harbor porpoises: Evolutionary and conservation implications
Tabular Data - 100.6 KB - 25 Variables, 925 Observations - UNF:6:j1jcc4A1Rs+FEedPbYzYIQ==
File providing the identifier, geographical group, local sub-group, latitude, longitude, and the genotypes at the 10 microsatellites for 925 harbor porpoises (i.e. individuals with ≤40% of missing data). This dataset was used in all the analyses but the sPCA. The sPCA analysis us... |
Mar 11, 2021 -
Replication data for: No leading-edge effect in North Atlantic harbor porpoises: Evolutionary and conservation implications
Unknown - 469.4 KB -
MD5: a82b8e6724f8492893f54daf714c9543
Fasta alignment of 111 unique mitochondrial DNA haplotypes (110 harbor porpoises and 1 Dall's porpoise). This alignment contains five mitochondrial coding regions (CytB, ATP6, ATP8, ND5, and COXI). These unique sequences were used to infer the phylogenetic tree. For further detai... |
Mar 10, 2021 - Rain Cell project in Mali
Bouvier, Christophe; Chahinian, Nanée; Alcoba Kait, Matias; Dembélé, N'dji Dit Jacques; Cazenave, Frédéric, 2021, "Simulated peak flow for the May 16 2019 flood event in Bamako, Mali", https://doi.org/10.23708/PDLP9F, DataSuds, V1
On May 16 2019, an intense rainfall event led to devastating floods in Bamako (Mali). The Rain Cell app Bamako was partially operational, with 6 rain gauges recording and sending in real time rainfall over the city of Bamako. This raster file in ASCII ESRI format contains peakflo... |
Plain Text - 107.1 MB -
MD5: c7877b143340dab9f06f17803716c20d
Simulated peakflow (liters per second). Raster file in ASCII ESRI format ; missing data coded as -9999 |
Mar 5, 2021 - Rain Cell project in Mali
Dembele, N'dji Dit Jacques, 2021, "Experience feedback (REX) of the May 16 2019 flood event in Bamako, Mali", https://doi.org/10.23708/CL3VFS, DataSuds, V1
On May 16 2019, an intense rainfall event led to devastating floods in Bamako, Mali. In the immediate aftermath of the flood event, the Laboratoire Hommes-Peuplements–Environments (Labo-HoPE research laboratory) collected data about the flooding process and mechanism as well as t... |
Adobe PDF - 2.8 MB -
MD5: 48e52c57dee79a47a9e98f67e5033f41
Map of flooded areas on 16 May 2019 in Bamako, Mali (carte des zones inondées lors de l'événement du 16 mai 2019). |