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111 to 120 of 759 Results
Nov 8, 2022 - UMR MoISA
Bahya-Batinda, Dang; Kameli, Yves; Randremanana, Rindra; Masson, Leila; Martin-Prevel, Yves; Savy, Mathilde, 2022, "Evaluation data for a multi-sectoral program to improve the resilience of households in Madagascar",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:b1mH2Abu+PA7XsqqM0BIEw== [fileUNF]
Data were collected in southern Madagascar between 2018 and 2019 from a cohort of 600 households. They were collected as part of a project to evaluate a multi-sectoral program set up by the World Food Program (WFP) with the objective of improving the resilience of households in M...
Tabular Data - 548.0 KB - 34 Variables, 2463 Observations - UNF:6:XyuRhxSja+8k2FuSN+FvyQ==
Project database
Tabular Data - 1.8 MB - 389 Variables, 1796 Observations - UNF:6:Q/aErG/5jNIIxg65eMu+sA==
Project database
Tabular Data - 561.9 KB - 50 Variables, 3606 Observations - UNF:6:9zNlLt76n2luggefTnG8+w==
Project database
Tabular Data - 1.6 MB - 449 Variables, 1547 Observations - UNF:6:HALyDCnpqvUHH+jx8aiffQ==
Project database
Plain Text - 2.4 KB - MD5: aa85032144f7617c7ad0ff68d7d5d4d1
Overall description of the dataset
Adobe PDF - 724.5 KB - MD5: a31a5d6f6f78e65b0a93ab91c2982106
Data dictionary (variables and codebook), French version
Adobe PDF - 40.6 KB - MD5: 8f4ad19a8f66e68c40a52fb07b9f566f
Data Management Plan, French version
Adobe PDF - 1.2 MB - MD5: 3d5d15eea6c72808997b5617188d5c72
Survey questionnaire, French version
Adobe PDF - 1.4 MB - MD5: af5e83c04ed0f73171aec2689907674f
Survey questionnaire, Malagasy version
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