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681 to 690 of 703 Results
OpenOffice Spreadsheet - 61.5 KB - MD5: e2c62b9d26169b59eada3000ff27ff3a
OpenOffice Spreadsheet - 25.8 KB - MD5: 3002ff9093d316e0eb8851ac1f7e0c13
Dictionary of variables for dietary data intake
Adobe PDF - 291.3 KB - MD5: d33bdf5dc1d8e656a91b0bc4f81a141b
Tool to assess socio-demographic data and food consumption (24hr recall)
MS Word - 44.2 KB - MD5: 7481df1d0335ab046b90114c0291fc6c
Consent form signed by Photovoice participants
Adobe PDF - 155.7 KB - MD5: 5786cce86b598319c27e7be345dc3a3e
Consent form signed by Photovoice participants
MS Word - 20.8 KB - MD5: 149c684f3f2b25fcb65cd6a204eed1b6
Interview guide to discuss the stories of the photographs taken by community participants
Adobe PDF - 124.0 KB - MD5: 31a9509aa8b7a7b4acf1c5102d368512
Interview guide to discuss the stories of the photographs taken by community participants
Adobe PDF - 157.7 KB - MD5: 825221bca64695c356243b95dbc68207
Information sheet and consent form completed by participants
Adobe PDF - 249.7 KB - MD5: 5db1b5ae5a3384c66052cfba60b4d4bf
Interview guide used with community stakeholders, adapted from the CRM protocol
Adobe PDF - 1.1 MB - MD5: 998f2efd67467f4c55f9187b753f64b6
Flowchart of policy mapping (PDF version)
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