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121 to 130 of 693 Results
Plain Text - 2.7 KB - MD5: b2fac54efac3647c18003c8bbdb13bde
Citation et description du jeu de données.
Adobe PDF - 2.7 MB - MD5: 3950e2b6f9ea14396a6c5c516a69a90a
Restitution de la synthèse des résultats du projet (regroupement de présentations, 117 pages).
Nov 29, 2023 - DYNADIV Team
Millet, Claude Patrick; Allinne, Clémentine; Vi, Tram; Marraccini, Pierre; Verleysen, Lauren; Couderc, Marie; Ruttink, Tom; Zhang, Dapeng; Solano Sánchez, William; Christine, Tranchant-Dubreuil; Jeune, Wesly; Poncet, Valérie, 2023, "Genotyping data for field samples from Haitian coffee agroforestry systems and international collection accessions",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:4wzzOYlt0nsxd5jgI0e5Eg== [fileUNF]
Though facing significant challenges, Coffee (Coffea arabica) grown in Haitian agroforestry systems are important contributors to rural livelihoods and provide several ecosystem services. There has been little work done on their genetic diversity and the variety mixtures used, an...
Adobe PDF - 84.6 KB - MD5: 68c9886481656da24e8f4044b5d68a76
Data documentation
Tabular Data - 9.9 KB - 8 Variables, 128 Observations - UNF:6:cnk88qwuB9aou3ACaJVW5A==
This file contains information about the various Coffea reference samples from international collections used in the study
Tabular Data - 60.5 KB - 10 Variables, 610 Observations - UNF:6:RxSTcnFSQOxeLTRcDf4VVw==
This file contains information about the Coffee field samples collected in Haiti
Tabular Data - 408.1 KB - 93 Variables, 733 Observations - UNF:6:v6l2QsJcVY795JaocXLe+Q==
This file contains the data from KASP targeted genotyping (87 loci)
Tabular Data - 2.2 MB - 725 Variables, 771 Observations - UNF:6:6R27Yo4iGEvbuknJjRX4FQ==
This file contains the Haplotype data obtained from HiPlex multiplex amplicon sequencing
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 1.9 MB - MD5: 2373559d3f310e747529fb876755bbb3
This file combines all data tables in Excel (.xlsx) format
Nov 25, 2023 - New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie)
Thibeaux, Roman; Genthon, Pierre; Selmaoui, Nazha; Kianiu, Maina; Soupé-Gilbert, Marie Estelle; Govan, Rodrigues; Wijesuriya, Kavya; Goarant, Cyrille, 2023, "HYDROTHIEM observatory: pathogenic leptospirosa and hydrological data collected under SPIraL project, 2020-2023",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:FolHMvw511mmYavc5p8fQA== [fileUNF]
The SPIraL project "Soils, rainfall and leptospirosis", funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) partly took part in the HYDROTHIEM observatory (eastern tropical coast of New Caledonia, in the South West Pacific) where it was devoted to the relationships between hydrol...
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