261 to 270 of 339 Results
Apr 9, 2021 - UMR iEES-Paris
Tran Minh, T.; Vu Manh, Q.; Tran Thi Minh T.,; Vu Hong, H.; Zaiss, R; Jouquet, P., 2021, "Outcome of the workshop about prospects and knowledge needs for improving soil organic carbon in Vietnam, 5 July 2019", https://doi.org/10.23708/YFXEMI, DataSuds, V1
This dataset holds the outcome of the regional workshop prospects and knowledge needs for improving soil organic carbon in Vietnam. The workshop was organized at the Soils and Fertilizers Research Institute (SFRI) on July 5th 2019 with the support of CIRCASA and IRD office in Han... |
Apr 2, 2021 - ECOTERM
Muon, R.; Ann, V.; Bureau-Point, E.; Sok, K.; Savouré, A.; Wieringa, F.; Berger, J.; Diene, B.; Chassagne, F.; Audibert, M.; Zaiss, R.; Azomahou, T.; Ket, P.; Jouquet, P., 2021, "Results of a survey describing the utilization of termite mounds by the population in Cambodia in 2021", https://doi.org/10.23708/HUR10F, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:Ij6rDZTWUiWR3t4aFJBblg== [fileUNF]
This dataset comes from a survey carried out in Chrey Back long term observatory (Cambodia). 61 persons from 13 villages located in Chrey Back watershed were interviewed in order to understand the local perception of the utilization of termite mounds. The dataset describes the qu... |
Mar 15, 2021 - Rain Cell project in Mali
Alcoba Kait, Matias; Noumaguel, Nogmana; Cazenave, Frederic, 2021, "Rainfall dataset of the May 16 2019 flood event in Bamako, Mali", https://doi.org/10.23708/ZI0ONV, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:NIECVHQc45Z8Ir42IELI/Q== [fileUNF]
On May 16 2019, an intense rainfall event led to devastating floods in Bamako, Mali. The Early Flood Warning System (EWS) Rain Cell app Bamako was partially operational. 6 rain gauges, spread over the city, recorded and sent rainfall intensities in real time. This text file conta... |
Mar 11, 2021 - Porpoises genetics and genomics
Ben Chehida, Yacine; Loughnane, Roisin; Thumloup, Julie; Kaschner, Kristin; Garilao, Cristina; Rosel, Patricia E.; Fontaine, Michael C., 2021, "Replication data for: No leading-edge effect in North Atlantic harbor porpoises: Evolutionary and conservation implications", https://doi.org/10.23708/LMH8Y8, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:j1jcc4A1Rs+FEedPbYzYIQ== [fileUNF]
These data are accompanying the manuscript "No leading-edge effect in North Atlantic harbor porpoises: Evolutionary and conservation implications" by Ben Chehida Y., Loughnane R., Thumloup J., Kaschner K., Garilao C., Rosel P.E., & Fontaine M.C. The manuscript has been posted as... |
Mar 10, 2021 - Rain Cell project in Mali
Bouvier, Christophe; Chahinian, Nanée; Alcoba Kait, Matias; Dembélé, N'dji Dit Jacques; Cazenave, Frédéric, 2021, "Simulated peak flow for the May 16 2019 flood event in Bamako, Mali", https://doi.org/10.23708/PDLP9F, DataSuds, V1
On May 16 2019, an intense rainfall event led to devastating floods in Bamako (Mali). The Rain Cell app Bamako was partially operational, with 6 rain gauges recording and sending in real time rainfall over the city of Bamako. This raster file in ASCII ESRI format contains peakflo... |
Mar 5, 2021 - UMR MERIT
Jacqueline Milet; Anne Boland; Pierre Luisi; Ibrahim Sadissou; Paulin Sonon; Nadia Domingo; Laure Gineau; Friso Palstra; Hervé Perdry; Achille Massougbodji; Jean-François Deleuze; David Courtin; Audrey Sabbagh; André Garcia, 2019, "Raw data for: Genome-Wide Association study of non-severe malaria in two birth cohorts in Benin", https://doi.org/10.23708/EXSQTM, DataSuds, V2
Whole-genome genotyping data for two cohorts of infants followed for malaria infections in south Benin : 525 infants from Tori-Bossito and 275 infants from Allada. Genotyping was performed on Illumina HumanOmni5-4v1 chips. Standard control steps and criteria (Anderson et al. 2010... |
Mar 5, 2021 - Rain Cell project in Mali
Dembele, N'dji Dit Jacques, 2021, "Experience feedback (REX) of the May 16 2019 flood event in Bamako, Mali", https://doi.org/10.23708/CL3VFS, DataSuds, V1
On May 16 2019, an intense rainfall event led to devastating floods in Bamako, Mali. In the immediate aftermath of the flood event, the Laboratoire Hommes-Peuplements–Environments (Labo-HoPE research laboratory) collected data about the flooding process and mechanism as well as t... |
Mar 3, 2021 - Equipe DIAL
Mesple-Somps, Sandrine; Spielvogel, Gilles; Doumbia Gakou, Assa; Sougane, Arouna; Delesalle, Esther; Gubert, Flore, 2021, "Replication data for: Migration response to drought in Mali", https://doi.org/10.23708/NREDA5, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:eaEqZIjh+MLbdtt1gaeEVQ== [fileUNF]
The project consists in combining population census data and climate data to estimate the volume of migrations induced by the drought events that have hit Mali since the late 1980s (A WP describing the research objectives, related literature, methodology and main results can be f... |
Feb 21, 2021 - Ivory Coast Development Knowledge Fabric Lab
Kouassi, Kouadio Apolinaire, 2021, "Géographie de l'économie de plantation durable en Côte d'Ivoire : introduction et soutenabilité de l'agriculture biologique du Cacao dans les terroirs paysans de la zone forestière ivoirienne (2019-2022)", https://doi.org/10.23708/IKTNHU, DataSuds, V2
Cette opération de recherche correspond à la réalisation d'une thèse sous le thème « Géographie de l'économie de plantation durable en Côte d'Ivoire : introduction et soutenabilité de l'agriculture biologique du Cacao dans les terroirs paysans de la zone forestière ivoirienne » p... |
Feb 12, 2021 - Ivory Coast Development Knowledge Fabric Lab
COURET, Dominique; DEMBELE, Ousmane; PIRON, Marie, 2020, "The Eco2Dev Nexus project, Development Knowledge Fabric, Eco Ecology Change and Local Biodiversity and Sustainability Ivory Coast Nexus", https://doi.org/10.23708/3IDGQM, DataSuds, V4
Le programme "Intelligences du savoir-faire le développement et capacités à l'intégration des nouveaux modèles éco-écologiques" s'inscrit dans les courants croisés des Sustainability sciences et de l'écologie politique. Dans le cadre du renouvellement des approches scientifiques... |