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211 to 220 of 299 Results
Tabular Data - 40.2 KB - 19 Variables, 144 Observations - UNF:6:XN0JmtCcrm6bWwJYVzlHPQ==
Liana structure metrics are at the liana quadrats (20x20 m2) level. Environmental metrics are at the liana quadrat level with a 10-m buffer each side (40x40 m2). Liana functional trait metrics are Community weighted means at the quadrat level.
Tabular Data - 80.4 KB - 8 Variables, 454 Observations - UNF:6:Fdxg4s5yPPSJlBMWK4LknA==
Table of the toponyms recorded in the Vezo language and their respective literal meaning in Malagasy, French, and English and fishery survey period (1989-1990, 2009 and/or 2018-2019)
Plain Text - 2.1 KB - MD5: 81c1d1717f4da881fc9a3b64fe74b181
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TAMMIE(IRD, IFPRI (USA), AAU (Ethiopia), EPHI (Ethiopia), CIRAD)
Feb 13, 2025Pole SAND
TAckling Multiple forms of Malnutrition In Ethiopia amongst women of reproductive age and children under five Increasing evidence shows that undernutrition and overweight/obesity co-exist, affecting countries, households, and individuals. This phenomenon has been labelled the ‘do...
Hydrocarbures au Sénégal (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement)
Feb 11, 2025UMI SOURCE
Face à la mise en exploitation du pétrole off-shore au Sénégal, la question des impacts à venir se pose avec acuité, à différentes échelles. Au niveau macroéconomique se pose la question de la malédiction des ressources naturelles et des voies à emprunter pour y échapper. Au nive...
Tabular Data - 4.6 KB - 15 Variables, 48 Observations - UNF:6:XwxhxKrrifwRpArBSQbJ0Q==
Supplementary information related to using cosmogenic nuclides (in situ-produced 10Be, 26Al and 36Cl)
Plain Text - 3.3 KB - MD5: 83d93729cc8d4757b04e35b2b0667223
Dataset citation, description and table of contents
Plain Text - 3.5 KB - MD5: 506e944a5bc44b84641be31c76bd8777
fichier lisez moi - Readme . Descriptif du contenu du dataset
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