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111 to 120 of 690 Results
Python Source Code - 19.4 KB - MD5: 6761d5c0833253811a79547ff622a3ee
This code will process and plot the climate space (precipitation amount, seasonality index or precipitation CV) of tropical peatland areas in HR or LR
Jupyter Notebook - 557.1 KB - MD5: 8324b04aef79baaa64e5c07ecc02fc6a
This notebook will allow estimating past changes in precipitation amount and/or seasonality using peat δDn-C29 values compared with a wide range of δDprecip values at the CEN-17.4 site computed using an empirical approach based on modern climate data
Python Source Code - 21.7 KB - MD5: 51f4f64aba511a2b0c61bcf4e4a34c5a
This code will allow estimating past changes in precipitation amount and/or seasonality using peat δDn-C29 values compared with a wide range of δDprecip values at the CEN-17.4 site computed using an empirical approach based on modern climate data
Plain Text - 1.0 KB - MD5: dfd566a1d8d9674b85545246dd78122b
rbacon code for age/depth models
Tabular Data - 269 B - 5 Variables, 9 Observations - UNF:6:sRazKBE7YsXHLsA1uOO5Gw==
14C dates of core BDM1-7 with topcore assigned to year 2019
Tabular Data - 747 B - 5 Variables, 24 Observations - UNF:6:HUgIdSVW3yTYTdxEsVPikQ==
14C dates of core CEN-17.4 with topcore assigned to year 2014
Tabular Data - 284 B - 5 Variables, 10 Observations - UNF:6:M6e3BLVRS8Uz3IwpqSIgig==
14C dates of core LOK5-5 with topcore assigned to year 2020
Plain Text - 2.5 KB - MD5: f2917372e009c14f124564152f426265
File containing the reference parameters used to calibrate all the maps
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