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191 to 200 of 281 Results
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 5.3 KB - MD5: f75a3e1e0deab1578d4f50d1cca6b519
Map of the sub-basins of the Houay Pano catchment (shapefile and associated files)
Adobe PDF - 289.2 KB - MD5: 64531a0a02d24d2186ab9d009c2d6b4e
Adobe PDF - 1.6 MB - MD5: 34dfc562b07f0e7059442e362bb29e33
Présentation faite par Mlle TONAN Sabine lors de la soutenance de sa thèse sur la question de l’accès au logement des ménages à faibles revenus dans l’aménagement de l’espace urbain d’Abidjan : l’expérience du programme des logements sociaux.
Tabular Data - 2.0 KB - 2 Variables, 17 Observations - UNF:6:+xtA4cv+JKL0bJWnfWZrZg==
Frequency of infected plants in each cell: data dictionary
Tabular Data - 70.9 KB - 18 Variables, 812 Observations - UNF:6:eeazx7g+QQhwVay4sjvQNQ==
Frequency of infected plants (%) in each cell for the following diseases: yellow mottle, Bacterial Leaf Blight, Bacterial Leaf Streak, rice blast, and brown spot ; one row for each grid cell observed on a particular year.
Tabular Data - 3.5 KB - 2 Variables, 41 Observations - UNF:6:SdOc87OasNB3RvyMhVxN4g==
Quantitative data collected from farmers interviews: data dictionary (in french)
Tabular Data - 49.9 KB - 41 Variables, 165 Observations - UNF:6:yTkXkGDi03WJVbUbJsOS5Q==
Quantitative data collected from farmers interviews (in french)
Tabular Data - 1.6 KB - 2 Variables, 18 Observations - UNF:6:8AeFucaiDZdw7EjcpgplEg==
Time frame of the observations: data dictionary
Tabular Data - 6.0 KB - 19 Variables, 59 Observations - UNF:6:efE0lVn9+hnCRIOBrZKyuw==
DataTime Series
Time frame of the observations, sampling and interviews, one row per field.
Tabular Data - 457 B - 2 Variables, 5 Observations - UNF:6:/zvGxBnAeEkyrHgb5JXiGQ==
Precise locations of the studied rice fields: data dictionary
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