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391 to 400 of 475 Results
ECOMED(UMR AMAP - CIRAD, CNRS, INRAE, IRD, Univ.Montpellier - France)
Jul 31, 2020UMR AMAP
European Project for Database of plants used for bio engineering in mediterranean eco region
Jul 30, 2020 - Senegal
Garenne, Michel; Cantrelle, Pierre, 2020, "Données anthropométriques des enfants de 0-12 ans recueillies lors de l’enquête MISOES dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal en 1957-1958",, DataSuds, V1
L'anthropométrie des enfants de moins de 12 ans a été étudiée lors de l'enquête à objectifs multiples de la moyenne vallée du fleuve Sénégal (MISOES), conduite en 1957-1958. Cette enquête nutritionnelle portait sur deux échantillons représentatifs, l'un en milieu urbain (770 enfa...
Senegal logo
Jul 28, 2020Partnerships
Jul 22, 2020 - MeDo project
Chahinian, Nanée; Bonnabaud La Bruyère, Thierry; Conrad, Serge; Delenne, Carole; Frontini, Francesca; Panckhurst, Rachel; Roche, Mathieu; Sautot, Lucile; Deruelle, Laurent; Teisseire, Maguelonne, 2020, "Gold Standard du projet MeDo",, DataSuds, V1
Cet ensemble de données comporte les documents utilisés pour l’apprentissage des modules NER (Named Entity Recognition) du projet MeDo ( Les documents originaux ont été requêtés sur le web, convertis au format texte et nettoyés. Les...
Jul 21, 2020 - UMR iEES-Paris
Jouquet, P; Harit, A, 2020, "Cathedral and lenticular mound soil properties in the Mule Hole long term observatory, Southern India.",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:cb/rSmI16sEC7PzTgwRkZQ== [fileUNF]
This dataset has been collected thanks to the long-term partnership with Mahatma Gandhi University, India, which granted the permission for field access, and to the financial, scientific, technical, and/or logistical support of the M-TROPICS CZO. The dataset holds soil properties...
Jul 20, 2020 - MeDo project
Chahinian, Nanée; Bonnabaud La Bruyère, Thierry; Delenne, Carole; Frontini, Francesca; Panckhurst, Rachel; Roche, Mathieu; Sautot, Lucile; Teisseire, Maguelonne, 2020, "Guide d'annotation du projet MeDo",, DataSuds, V1
Ce document a été créé pour clarifier les règles d'annotation utilisées dans le cadre du projet MeDo. Il a pour objectif de guider les annotateurs dans le choix des bonnes «étiquettes» pour annoter les textes. This document has been created to clarify the annotation rules used wi...
MeDo project(Univ. Montpellier, CNRS, IRD, Univ. Paul-Valery Montpellier 3, AgroParisTech, CIRAD, INRAE, Berger-Levrault)
MeDo project logo
Jul 6, 2020UMR HydroSciences Montpellier
Megadata, Linked Data and Data Mining for Wastewater Networks MeDo project aims to use Web big data for learning about geometry and history of wastewater networks, by combining different data mining techniques and multiplying analysed sources. The improved knowledge will lead to...
LMI PathoBios logo
Jul 1, 2020
Laboratoire Mixte International PathoBios Le LMI PathoBios, Observatoire des Agents Phytopathogènes en Afrique de l’Ouest : biodiversité et biosécurité, formalise le partenariat de long-terme existant entre l’INERA au Burkina Faso et l’IRD en France dans le domaine de la protecti...
Jun 30, 2020 - Dietary transitions in African Cities: TACLED project
Osei-Kwasi, Hibbah; Mohindra, Aarti; Booth, Andrew; Laar, Amos; Wanjohi, Milka; Pradeilles, Rebecca; Graham, Fiona; Cohen, Emmanuel; Holdsworth, Michelle, 2020, "A systematic mapping review of drivers of diet in urban African food environments: data synthesis",, DataSuds, V1
In 2017, we undertook a systematic mapping review to synthesise factors influencing dietary behaviours in urban food environments in Africa and identify areas for future research. We registered our review protocol in the PROSPERO database (CRD42017068931). We include data extract...
Jun 26, 2020 - Dietary transitions in African Cities: TACLED project
Rousham, Emily; Pradeilles, Rebecca; Akparibo, Robert; Aryeetey, Richmond; Bash, Kristin; Booth, Andrew; Muthuri, Stella; Osei-Kwasi, Hibbah; Marr, Colette; Norris, Tom; Holdsworth, Michelle, 2020, "A systematic review & meta-analysis of dietary behaviours in two African countries: data synthesis",, DataSuds, V1
We undertook a systematic review and meta-analyses to synthesise evidence of urban dietary behaviours (macronutrients, types of foods consumed, dietary diversity and dietary practices) in two African countries (Ghana and Kenya) in relation to postulated changes in the context of...
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