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121 to 130 of 280 Results
Plain Text - 1.7 KB - MD5: e8e206867960b372de5e6c36e1de08a3
Dataset citation, description and terms of use.
Plain Text - 2.1 KB - MD5: 0ad59fd46069aaec2008347fc45ec2ce
Dataset citation, description and terms of use.
Plain Text - 382.2 MB - MD5: 5888c01657ff5624ad88b8200d103076
This file contains the data for the GWAS analysis to be used with 'S4_script_GWAS_basic_Rcode.pdf' (Varshney et al. 2017).
text/vcard - 34.5 MB - MD5: 6eab73245746d73169f90b8141511fa0
VCF file containing the genomic data of the pearl millet. This data file is associated with the script "S3_Genetic_diversity+structure.html".These data are published in Berthouly-Salazar et al. (2016).
Plain Text - 3.6 KB - MD5: 3bc9d9f537ea4d956c4dc7f7970e7956
HTML - 971.1 KB - MD5: 73c5daf1d31fad39ea3b274ed6a2aafc
This file show a very brief introduction to R with basic command lines used to import and explore a passport data. We used the passport file associated to the GBS analysis of West-African pearl millet accessions (Berthouly-Salazar et al. 2016). This file has been created with an...
HTML - 1.9 MB - MD5: b8eb1f1c105a3ea55d2405931411c28e
This file show an introduction to VCF filtering with GBS data using R. We used the datset of West-African pearl millet accessions (Berthouly-Salazar et al. 2016). This file has been created with an Rmarkdown file (.Rmd). The Data dictionary is included in the file.
HTML - 4.3 MB - MD5: 828d31d700d62f10b8f9fbf120f7883a
In this R tutorial, we we will take a processed VCF. First, we will explore diversity through: polymorphic SNPs (required packages: adegenet), allele frequencies (required packages: adegenet), private and shared alleles (required packages: poppr), allelic richness (required packa...
Plain Text - 3.9 KB - MD5: 0a83b63402bf225c427b12298bee2a61
Dataset citation, description and terms of use.
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