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571 to 580 of 703 Results
Adobe PDF - 264.1 KB - MD5: ce73b51a4ae73697984e1eae1b1b4bb3
Schéma général de la méthode, présenté en 5 parties.
MS Word - 25.1 KB - MD5: ebb2dc6dc63e3b4c9d6ed4f9cb660bc0
Addendum to DiTECT-HAT-WP4 protocol (august 2020)
Adobe PDF - 1.6 MB - MD5: 01f447fa5b6416f3e3ae7242614c27d5
PDF document (9 pages, 12 figures) with images of the NMR 1D and 2D spectra for Cordiosides A-B
Adobe PDF - 1.1 MB - MD5: 491db3bc9c1d44f16d9eb0a4ce2f4c43
Supplementary information related to CulebrONT pipeline implementation
MS Word - 11.9 KB - MD5: 2330f2b2aca1616adffd32729d49744f
Informed consent form (English translation)
MS Word - 75.5 KB - MD5: bec842fd47599696df0b4d12b17dd56f
Interview transcripts (English translation), Word format
Adobe PDF - 608.3 KB - MD5: 91f8551b794034f972e85cbdb1e9d48b
Informed consent form
Adobe PDF - 1.2 MB - MD5: 4e1b0de779b192e47d4d41c3e0529f2c
Study protocol
OpenOffice Spreadsheet - 281.4 KB - MD5: edb1281b475eb04c4b2a2d682925d18e
Dataset WIND-O-V-2017-2018 project
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