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581 to 590 of 703 Results
OpenOffice Spreadsheet - 19.4 KB - MD5: cdc9c33288afa185ea4e4aff1ad03ca9
OpenOffice Spreadsheet - 54.3 KB - MD5: cddeef6270386a767336f384442ebea2
analytical data
Adobe PDF - 498.4 KB - MD5: 2a6111b08be304b1f288e961ee830e85
Photo A
Adobe PDF - 242.5 KB - MD5: b73fa1059ccc29098c7f29ce8e17308e
Photo B
Adobe PDF - 387.8 KB - MD5: 1263f7420e5140e14705cd4cc344d5ba
Photo C
Adobe PDF - 396.6 KB - MD5: ea78777cf16542cad55d14b1ec22854d
Photo D
Adobe PDF - 495.9 KB - MD5: fcb869fef0508a90c492d5f59181eec4
geological section A
Adobe PDF - 437.4 KB - MD5: 218ca1016d5a7b53e4469b33fa71981c
geological section B
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