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501 to 510 of 615 Results
Adobe PDF - 1.2 MB - MD5: 3d5d15eea6c72808997b5617188d5c72
Survey questionnaire, French version
Adobe PDF - 1.4 MB - MD5: af5e83c04ed0f73171aec2689907674f
Survey questionnaire, Malagasy version
Tabular Data - 458.0 KB - 62 Variables, 2402 Observations - UNF:6:5xfmuyoW9wsYi66d23V96w==
DiTECT-HAT-WP2 de-identified data (data dictionary: refer to DiTECT-HAT-WP2-GN-deidentified-2022-10-12 Metadata.docx)
Tabular Data - 88.7 KB - 7 Variables, 718 Observations - UNF:6:4bvZDYJ1M3O5NuwHcnBSKQ==
Table in TSV format (tabulation separated values) containing the sampling details of Diadema setosum in the Indo-Malay archipelago.
Texte - 824.1 KB - MD5: fc82449aa4460006096a8dedacd2f29c
Alignment of nucleotide sequences of 718 Diadema setosum individuals (FASTA text format) from the Indo-Malay archipelago, over 1157-nucleotide long portion of the CO1 gene.
Tabular Data - 7.8 KB - 22 Variables, 260 Observations - UNF:6:XGdxjl5mQy7T8qBASxP5vA==
Table in TSV format containing haplotype frequencies by sample.
Tabular Data - 22.7 KB - 11 Variables, 160 Observations - UNF:6:EKAjXnjoqxySlOaHfDCkfA==
Soil microbiology data
Tabular Data - 10.5 KB - 17 Variables, 80 Observations - UNF:6:JfOaM2+UHkAN6MIFdwdQcw==
Soil chemical properties together with nitrification and denitrification
MS Word - 75.5 KB - MD5: bec842fd47599696df0b4d12b17dd56f
Interview transcripts (English translation), Word format
Plain Text - 71.6 KB - MD5: 1a1cd2842b23b4c141e0ed1ac91993ef
Interview transcripts (English translation), Text format
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