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121 to 130 of 759 Results
Adobe PDF - 240.9 KB - MD5: 7312d18864a1bb6bdd6f8fc4788f448a
Informed consent form and assent form (in French), PDF version
Adobe PDF - 699.5 KB - MD5: f454f320ca38fece7b7f4c84d8ce069e
Study protocol (in French), PDF version
Etude MAPNET logo
Oct 28, 2022Projet PROTECT
Etude MAPNET "Mapping social networks and community strategies in Southern Madagascar" (2019) Expertise collective IRD pour la Banque mondiale A quelle protection sociale les habitants du Sud de Madagascar ont-ils effectivement accès ? Alors que la politique nationale de protecti...
Etude SYSMIPRO logo
Oct 28, 2022Projet PROTECT
Etude SYSMIPRO "Systèmes microlocaux de protection sociale" (2021) Région Nouvelle Aquitaine, ONG IISS A quelle protection sociale les habitants du Sud de Madagascar ont-ils effectivement accès ? Alors que la politique nationale de protection sociale est en pleine reconfiguration...
Projet PROTECT logo
Oct 28, 2022UMI SOURCE
Le projet Protect étudie l’articulation des logiques multiples façonnant les formes de la protection sociale à Madagascar. Il a pour finalité de caractériser les formes de la protection sociale à Madagascar, d’analyser leur adéquation avec les besoins des populations (pauvreté, v...
Oct 21, 2022 - UMR CEREGE
Garcin, Yannick; Schefuß, Enno; Dargie, Greta C.; Hawthorne, Donna; Lawson, Ian T.; Sebag, David; Biddulph, George E.; Crezee, Bart; Bocko, Yannick E.; Ifo, Suspense A.; Mampouya Wenina, Y. Emmanuel; Mbemba, Mackline; Ewango, Corneille E.N.; Emba, Ovide; Bola, Pierre; Kanyama Tabu, Joseph; Tyrrell, Genevieve; Young, Dylan M.; Gassier, Ghislain; Girkin, Nicholas T.; Vane, Christopher H.; Adatte, Thierry; Baird, Andy J.; Boom, Arnoud; Gulliver, Pauline; Morris, Paul J.; Page, Susan E.; Sjögersten, Sofie; Lewis, Simon L., 2022, "Hydroclimatic vulnerability of peat carbon in the central Congo Basin: codes for age-depth models, geospatial data processing and analysis",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:ewI8zj0Z/m4OMWGoSn0k3Q== [fileUNF]
This dataset includes two packages: 'Age_depth_models' and 'Tropical_Peats' for the creation of the age-depth models and the processing and analysis of the geospatial data, which are presented in the article "Hydroclimatic vulnerability of peat carbon in the central Congo Basin"....
Jupyter Notebook - 8.6 KB - MD5: 48a731c69580534c9dc3435e2b0331f4
This notebook will download raster data (monthly precipitation) in high-resolution (~1x1 km), clip the tropical region and downsample raster at low-resolution (~10x10 km).
Python Source Code - 5.3 KB - MD5: 7b4cb0723bfc35ab6251601c993a94e4
This code will download raster data (monthly precipitation) in high-resolution (~1x1 km), clip the tropical region and downsample raster at low-resolution (~10x10 km).
Jupyter Notebook - 11.5 KB - MD5: 40073efc9b96795aa894a027776558f3
This notebook will download and process (reproject, rasterize, synchronize in HR or LR and encoding) Africa peat shapefiles
Python Source Code - 6.4 KB - MD5: 750b408358fe0d10469db8eb7a728a43
This code will download and process (reproject, rasterize, synchronize in HR or LR and encoding) Africa peat shapefiles
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