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101 to 110 of 933 Results
Tabular Data - 72.0 KB - 18 Variables, 368 Observations - UNF:6:igBoww0d9b4MIhbi7Laccg==
BLUEs of ion content measured in brown grains (BR) and white grains (WR) in the 184 genotypes of the Vietnamese rice collection.
Tabular Data - 190.4 KB - 26 Variables, 1104 Observations - UNF:6:vayqX0fWMjZtqvZmRl3F3Q==
Raw dataset of ion content measured in brown grains (BR) and white grains (WR) in the 184 genotypes of the Vietnamese rice collection.
Tabular Data - 13.3 KB - 8 Variables, 184 Observations - UNF:6:TLrs80WpaU6/uJ3IIAHO8A==
Passport data of the different genotypes present in the Vietnamese rice collection.
Tabular Data - 855 B - 3 Variables, 37 Observations - UNF:6:16TZwhPe8rEB4bTdEMzeVA==
Description of the different variables present in the dataset.
Sep 30, 2024 - UMR Ceped
Nouaman, Marcellin; Becquet, Valentine; Plazy, Mélanie; Agoua, Aline; Zebago, Clémence; Dao, Hervé; Jary, Aude; Coffie, Patrick; Eholié, Serge; Larmarange, Joseph, 2024, "Documentation des tables analytiques de la cohorte 2019-2023 du projet PRINCESSE (Côte d'Ivoire)",, DataSuds, V1
En Côte d’Ivoire, la prévalence du VIH chez les TS est d’environ 5% soit 2,5 fois plus qu’en population générale. Bien que le préservatif soit généralement bien utilisé, il existe des exceptions (non utilisation avec un partenaire régulier, un client violent ou contre une forte s...
Adobe PDF - 2.7 MB - MD5: aa266d674d67af3dc2dccdde54d27fb2
Protocole du projet, version 5.0
Adobe PDF - 2.7 MB - MD5: 66fc95c002c24238a20ecc0263bac2e3
Questionnaires et fiches cliniques utilisés pour la collecte de données
Adobe PDF - 478.0 KB - MD5: 4817f70181be2025e10fe0c7b481ffdc
Liste des tables analytiques et dictionnaire des variables
Plain Text - 3.2 KB - MD5: b9899d394f6c3d6e2fa62939f00c4eac
Citation, description et conditions d'utilisation du jeu de données
Sep 27, 2024 - DYNADIV Team
Adji, Beda-Innocent; Chakocha Ngandjui, Armel Franklin; Guibien Cléophas Zerbo; Marie Louise Avana Tientcheu; Hardy, Olivier; Mariac, Cédric; Duminil, Jérôme, 2024, "Data on the Genetic Diversity Study of the African Olive (Canarium schweinfurthii, Burseraceae) in Africa for Climate Change Adaptation",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:j8ybPdLmWqOvh7eHYFEd2A== [fileUNF]
In Africa, the decline of numerous tree species due to rapid population growth, deforestation, and climate change is a major concern. Several native multi-purpose agroforestry species are at risk of losing genetic diversity, which may lead to their extinction. This is the case fo...
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