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111 to 120 of 933 Results
Tabular Data - 149.9 KB - 16 Variables, 743 Observations - UNF:6:K1riTjZfZ2JVAxPfqWcO3g==
Base de donnée (localité-coordonnées GPS-enquête ethno-dendrométrie-matériel végétal) pour étude de la diversité génétique de Canarium en Afrique and Data dictionary
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 20.8 MB - MD5: 71adfcaf96c326c18b9e34b238205f38
Global SSR markers sequences result by QDD software for individual CS19_ARM325 in Canarium schweinfurthii and Data dictionary
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 25.2 MB - MD5: 3acb3e2d24fa603b354e1636eb35c332
Global SSR markers sequences result by QDD software for individual CS45_ARM326 in Canarium schweinfurthii and Data dictionary
Tabular Data - 10.6 KB - 33 Variables, 13 Observations - UNF:6:cv2l+MtRlI/T94YdUbN/Yg==
Canarium schweinfurthii 13 SSR markers sequences selected and Data dictionary
Tabular Data - 17.0 KB - 17 Variables, 98 Observations - UNF:6:TgrHkODwYLaJymMpkX/atg==
Datta of 13 SSR markers amplication on 98 individuals selected from geneious software and Data dictionary
Plain Text - 2.3 KB - MD5: a985203e592ecc62e1202bf630a27192
Dataset citation, description and terms of use
UMR CRBE(CNRS, Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, Toulouse INP, IRD)
Sep 24, 2024
The CRBE studies the influence of environmental changes and their interactions on the living earth, and the feedback of socio-ecological systems on these changes. Research into biodiversity and ecosystem functioning combines concepts from ecology, evolutionary biology and environ...
Sep 23, 2024 - UMR CBGP
Javal, Marion; Ndiaye, Arame; Loiseau, Anne; Bal, Amadou Bocar; Garba, Madougou; Brevault, Thierry; Gauthier, Nathalie, 2024, "Genetic data (9 microsatellite markers) of native and invasive Tuta absoluta populations (2009-2018)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:wK5eZg6fxuNxkPjbwxXn/w== [fileUNF]
Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) is a destructive pest of tomato and many other solanaceous crops, with very high economic impacts. Its invasion threatens food security in a large part of the globe, in areas such as sub-Saharan Africa where the agricultural resi...
Tabular Data - 73.4 KB - 23 Variables, 689 Observations - UNF:6:Dv/2oGAAKuanCpyROcPEkQ==
Genetic data with 9 microsatellite markers for Tuta absoluta
Adobe PDF - 399.2 KB - MD5: 2ba133b9c718346b6c3e31690b1a2437
Data dictionary
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