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591 to 600 of 703 Results
Adobe PDF - 406.1 KB - MD5: b13b5714175954cf677cd9b9538cf9bc
geological section C
Adobe PDF - 448.2 KB - MD5: 62f0bde3f710144ef92cfeb91e444ce2
geological section D
Adobe PDF - 338.9 KB - MD5: c5cbe47fa73cdfdb0c316e0f964733a3
geological section ABCD
Adobe PDF - 140.8 KB - MD5: 563d270b9c76132192e39527604ab5ad
Adobe PDF - 664.8 KB - MD5: 70f4f787668c3c07b004615d408cf985
Fichier pdf de description de la structure de la base de données ECOMED
Adobe PDF - 2.2 MB - MD5: 8eaa7b09edf3006c946c824ffaed16b0
Production report
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 10.3 MB - MD5: 338de3d032c4f20864ff3dbc6923d441
Main file: detailed data (Excel format, 22 worksheets)
Adobe PDF - 268.5 KB - MD5: f0b7260fcb4563448b4c749a6c250e24
simple graphical representations of the dataset performed with R
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