The Joint Research Unit "Water Management, Actors, Territories" (UMR G-EAU) brings together 90 permanent researchers and engineers and around 50 PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from different disciplines who work together on integrated and adaptive water management issues. The unit conducts research on socio-hydrosystems and their regulation, it designs and evaluates tools to facilitate implementation of innovative public policies on water, and is involved in a multidisciplinary training course concerning the water sector. The UMR G-EAU is a member of the Montpellier Water and Environment Institute (IM2E).
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21 to 30 of 42 Results
PNG Image - 8.7 MB - MD5: 41d7f513d21edad505b4b720f6087618
Map showing the placement of the logger in the Bassac.
PNG Image - 8.4 MB - MD5: 8f1d6711dd39e35b7c4af22810007d77
Location of the logger in a well at the mango farm.
PNG Image - 8.4 MB - MD5: eef8b7952ab385d56c9db47f802d660a
Map showing the location of the logger in Prek Chann at the drain.
PNG Image - 8.7 MB - MD5: a51bf3a189594ea41b1e2641b9264c80
Map showing the location of the logger in Prek Chann downstream of the gate.
PNG Image - 8.7 MB - MD5: a805eac850249a1220859ba07270d6a1
Map showing the location of the logger in Prek Chann, upstream of the gate.
PNG Image - 8.2 MB - MD5: 41633045031c6c3e81003415796aba73
Map showing the location of the logger in Prek Chann at its western end.
PNG Image - 8.7 MB - MD5: 91d780c08643c70f0e0f4611080f26b0
Map showing the location of the logger in Prek Touch at the bridge.
PNG Image - 7.3 MB - MD5: 822c607f6a317741e3c92de4fc872c38
Map of the location of the logger in a canal at the bridge in the western part of the study area.
PNG Image - 5.2 MB - MD5: 4e9c57470aa9923e1f0ba2f044fb3edf
Photo showing the logger in the Bassac.
PNG Image - 1.9 MB - MD5: 4f92d750b63807af3cfee703448eeeef
Photo of the logger in the well at the mango farm.
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