During a project focused on rice microbial biodiversity (root microbiome and pathogens), we performed a pluriannual and multi-site survey (see https://doi.org/10.23708/8FDWIE). Because microbial species may be shared between rice and surrounding wild plants, we chose to perform a small survey in 2017 in 6 rice fields.
This dataset describes obtained data. It corresponds to a list of wild plant species identified in the borders of six rice fields (from three geographical zones in western Burkina Faso) during a survey performed in 2017.
More specifically, the observations and sampling were performed during one day in each geographical zone: 26/10/2017 (Bama: 17BM02 and 17BL02), 28/10/2017 (Karfiguela: 17KA01 and 17KA01), 01/11/2017 (Banzon: 17BZ11 and 17SZ07). The precise location of each of these six fields appears in https://doi.org/10.23708/8FDWIE (file: Data_MP_Field_Location_dataset.tab). Three fields correspond to irrigated production system (BM02, BZ11, KA01) while the three others (BL02, SZ07, TG01) are in rainfed lowlands.
The observations were performed on two consecutive borders of each rice fields.
For each field and each wild plant species, the covering area was estimated: 0: absent; 0.5: rare; 1: covering area < 10%; 2: covering area between 10% and 20%; 3: covering area between 20% and 30%. This information corresponds to the columns 3 to 8 in the dataset.
In addition, samples from the five more frequent plant species have been collected for each field for further analyses. This led to a set of 30 samples, and a total of 26 different species. The wild plant species sampled are annotated with "X" in the columns 9 to 14 in the dataset.