Persistent Identifier
doi:10.23708/AGORYH |
Publication Date
2024-09-19 |
| Photographic atlases of food portion sizes consumed in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) and Niamey (Niger) and calibrated household utensils |
| Zoungrana, Stéphanie (UMR QualiSud - Univ Montpellier, IRD, L’Institut Agro, CIRAD, Avignon University, Univ de la Réunion - France) - ORCID: 0000-0002-7491-648X
Somé, Jérome (Research Institute of Health Sciences - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
Mouquet-Rivier, Claire (UMR QualiSud - Univ Montpellier, IRD, L’Institut Agro, CIRAD, Avignon University, Univ de la Réunion - France) - ORCID: 0000-0002-3775-4610
Garba, Ousseini (UMR QualiSud - Univ Montpellier, IRD, L’Institut Agro, CIRAD, Avignon University, Univ de la Réunion - France)
Lanou, Hermann Biénou (Research Institute of Health Sciences - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso) - ORCID: 0000-0001-6780-2700
Kaboré, Idrissa (UMR QualiSud - Univ Montpellier, IRD, L’Institut Agro, CIRAD, Avignon University, Univ de la Réunion - France)
Issa, Ibrahim Samaila (UNITE PNIN – Institut National de la Statistique du Niger et Haut-Commissariat à l’I3N)
Yatta, Almoustapha Théodore (UNITE PNIN – Institut National de la Statistique du Niger et Haut-Commissariat à l’I3N) |
Point of Contact
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Mouquet-Rivier, Claire (UMR QualiSud - Univ Montpellier, IRD, L’Institut Agro, CIRAD, Avignon University, Univ de la Réunion - France)
Jérome, Somé (Research Institute of Health Sciences - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso) |
| These data comprise two files corresponding to two photographic catalogs of food portion sizes and calibrated household utensils, used to collect food consumption data in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) and Niamey (Niger) in 2023. The photo atlas used in Ouagadougou contains four parts. The first part presents validated photos of portion sizes for 9 dishes/dish components, with portions for children aged 12-23 months and women aged 15-49 years. More details of the development and validation method of this first part are provided in Zoungrana et al, 2023. A second part includes fruit portions; a third part presents vegetable, meat and fish portions; finally the fourth part presents photos of household utensils most frequently used in the context, calibrated with water.
The Photo Atlas used in Niamey contains three parts. The first part contains photos of fruit portions; the second part contains photos of vegetable, meat and fish portions; and the third one contains photos of the most frequently used household utensils in the context, calibrated with water.
In both atlas, tables are providing the correspondances between photos and weights of foods or utensil water volumes (in g). (2024-04-26) |
| Medicine, Health and Life Sciences |
| Nutrition (AGROVOC)
Food consumption (AGROVOC)
Food intake (AGROVOC)
Africa South of Sahara (AGROVOC)
Traditional food (AGROVOC)
Consumer surveys (AGROVOC)
Nutrient intake (AGROVOC)
Children (AGROVOC)
Women (AGROVOC) |
Scientific Theme
| Nutrition and alimentation (NumeriSud)
Health: generalities (NumeriSud) |
Related Publication
| Zoungrana S, Somé JW, Martin-Prével Y, Lanou HB, Kouanda S, Mouquet-Rivier C (2023) Estimation of food portion sizes in women of childbearing age and young children in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) using a food photography atlas and salted replicas: Comparison with weighed records. PLoS ONE 18(9): e0291375. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291375 |
| These food portion size and household utensil photography atlases were used to collect food consumption data in the cities of Ouagadougou and Niamey in 2023, in the frame of the MERIEM project. Data were collected on women of childbearing aged 15-49 years and children aged 6-23 months.
Data Type: Survey Data |
| French |
Production Location
| Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; Niamey, Niger |
Funding Information
| Agence Française de Développement (France): AFD – CZZ216701D
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: ID OPP1181284
Projet INDDEX 24 |
Distribution Date
| 2024-04-26 |
| Zoungrana, Stéphanie |
Deposit Date
| 2024-04-26 |
Time Period
| Start Date: 2020-01-01 ; End Date: 2023-07-01 |
Date of Collection
| Start Date: 2020-01-01 ; End Date: 2023-07-01 |