Persistent Identifier
doi:10.23708/PQTQDA |
Publication Date
2020-12-18 |
| Commensal small mammal trapping data in Southern Senegal, 2012-2015 |
| Granjon, Laurent (UMR CBGP - INRAE, IRD, CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro - France) - ORCID: 0000-0003-1182-3793
Fossati, Odile (UMR CBGP - INRAE, IRD, CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro - France) - ORCID: 0000-0001-5062-4258 |
Point of Contact
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Granjon, Laurent (UMR CBGP - INRAE, IRD, CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro - France)
Fossati, Odile (UMR CBGP - INRAE, IRD, CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro - France) |
| As part of projects aimed at studying 1) the role of invasive black rat populations in the emergence of zoonotic diseases in Southeastern Senegal, and 2), the evolutionary consequences of parasites in R. rattus and M. musculus invasions in Senegal, we conducted a series of field campaigns throughout the southern part of the country, between May 2012 and September 2015. The objective was to catch commensal (= indoor) small mammals using standard trapping procedures, identify them using morphological or, if needed, molecular tools, and take a number of samples from them upon autopsy, to look for zoonotic parasites and pathogens. Along with data on individual specimens, information on microhabitat were gathered at each trap position.
This resulted in the constitution of a dataset of more than 13.000 trapnights, which allowed the capture of 3166 small mammals, all characterized by a series of associated biological, geographical and environmental data. The small mammals concerned are mainly rodents (10 species), and a few species of shrews and hedgehogs. The two invasive rodent species (the domestic mouse Mus musculus domesticus and the black rat Rattus rattus) were the most numerous, exceeding in numbers all the other species pooled.
This dataset makes it possible to study coarse to fine-scaled distribution of species of this small mammal commensal community in the southern part of Senegal, as well as the possible determinants of this distribution in terms of habitat preferences and / or interspecific interactions. Combined with data obtained through the treatment of associated biological samples (population genetics, parasite loads, pathogen prevalence…) they make it possible to precise the epidemiological context surrounding zoonotic diseases in which these small mammal species act as reservoirs or vectors. |
| Earth and Environmental Sciences; Medicine, Health and Life Sciences |
| Community ecology
Microhabitat description
Biological invasion
West Africa |
Scientific Theme
| Zoology (NumeriSud)
Geography, environment and climatology (NumeriSud) |
Related Publication
| Lucaccioni H., Granjon L., Dalecky A., Fossati O., Le Fur J., Duplantier J.M. & Handschumacher P. 2016. From human geography to biological invasions: the Black rat distribution in the changing Southeastern of Senegal. PLoS ONE 11 (9): e0163547 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163547
Granjon L., Fossati-Gaschignard O., Artige A., Bâ K., Brouat C., Dalecky A., Diagne C., Diallo M., Gauthier P., Handschumacher P., Kane M., Husse L., Niang Y., Piry S., Sarr N., Sow A. & Duplantier J.-M., 2021. Commensal small mammal trapping data in Southern Senegal, 2012-2015: where invasive species meet native ones. Ecology 102(10): e03470 doi: 10.1002/ecy.3470
Granjon L., Artige E., Bâ K., Brouat C., Dalecky A., Diagne C., Diallo M., Fossati-Gaschignard O., Gauthier P., Kane M., Husse L., Niang Y., Piry S., Sarr N., Sow A. & Duplantier J.-M., 2023. Sharing space between native and invasive small mammals: Study of commensal communities in Senegal. Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.10539 |
| Data type: Observational data; Survey data |
| English |
| French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD, France) 
Production Date
| 2015-09-30 |
Production Location
| Senegal |
| Project Leader : DUPLANTIER Jean-Marc (IRD-CBGP)
Project Leader : BROUAT Carine (IRD-CBGP)
Data Collector : BA Khalilou (IRD-CBGP)
Data Manager : PIRY Sylvain (INRAE-CBGP)
Data Manager : ARTIGE Emmanuelle (INRAE-CBGP)
Funder : ANR - Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Project Member : DALECKY Ambroise (IRD-LPED)
Project Member : DIAGNE Christophe (IRD-CBGP)
Project Member : DIALLO Mamoudou (IRD-CBGP)
Project Member : GAUTHIER Philippe (IRD-CBGP)
Project Member : KANE Mamadou (IRD-CBGP)
Project Member : HUSSE Laetitia (IRD-CBGP)
Project Member : NIANG Youssoupha (IRD-CBGP)
Data Curator : SARR Nathalie (IRD-CBGP)
Project Member : SOW Aliou (IRD-CBGP) |
Funding Information
| ANR - Agence Nationale de la Recherche: ANR-11-CEPL-010 (CHANCIRA)
ANR - Agence Nationale de la Recherche: ANR-11-JSV7-0006 (ENEMI) |
| French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD, France) 
| Granjon, Laurent |
Deposit Date
| 2020-10-15 |
Time Period
| Start Date: 2012-05-16 ; End Date: 2015-09-16 |
Date of Collection
| Start Date: 2012-05-16 ; End Date: 2015-09-16 |
Related Material
| Original paper versions of capture data forms archived at the IRD-CBGP laboratory in Dakar; Scanned versions of these forms appended to field session partitions in the CBGP small mammal database (BPM,; Specimens and associated biological samples (parasites, organs, blood...) harbored in the CBGP reference collection of small mammals doi:10.15454/WWNUPO. |