Content of the BPI
The Bulletin pluviométrique is an annual publication, first directed by Georges Le Cadet from 1911 to 1924 and by Étienne Bruzon from 1925 to 1931. Over these 20 years of consecutive publication, this bulletin provided comprehensive records of daily and monthly data for the pluviometric station network from 1906 to 1929 (24 years).
With the call for monitoring precipitation parameters for agricultural purposes, the network gradually grew in size according to the Bulletin pluviométrique (increasing from 66 stations in 1906 to 316 stations in 1929). However, this did not translate to an equivalent increase in data density; within the publication, there are certain monthly gaps, especially in the early years. In the first publication, the author notably remarked on errors related to mismeasurement due to unit conversion and/or human error.
G. Le Cadet also focused significantly on monitoring tropical cyclones and depressions in Indochina. Initially, the effort was made only to list the main position and formation date of these phenomena. Starting in 1913, in collaboration with other central observatories, particularly Zi-Ka-Wei, trajectory maps began to be estimated, along with detailed descriptions of their characteristics during the typhoon season.
No further information has been found to explain the cessation of this publication; however, similar records for precipitation can be found in the BEI or BMO for the following period. These last journals only offer monthly data for rainfalls, resulting in a continued lack of daily format data.
Content of the dataset
The present dataset contains all the data from the Bulletin pluviométrique that we recover in Météo France center of Trappes, this specimen is a complete collection of BMO.
Meteorological data coverage