Functional ecology and biogeochemistry of soils and agro-ecosystems

Eco&Sols is a Joint Research Unit with 70 permanent staff from INRAE, IRD, Montpellier SupAgro and CIRAD.
The research undertaken by Eco&Sols sets out to improve the understanding of the role of soil organisms and plants and the interactions between them and their environment in biogeochemical cycles - mainly C, N and P cycles - within soils and agroecosystems. The biogeochemical cycles of carbon (C) and nutrients (N and P) are studied mainly in Mediterranean and tropical agrosystems, in particular the roles of the various components of the soils (clay particles, aggregates, pores, etc), the plants (roots, stems, leaves and fruits) and the atmosphere. The nature of the biotic and abiotic determinants of the C and nutrient flows is studied in a range of agronomic situations taking account of changing land uses and global climate change.
Eco&Sols est une unité mixte de recherche de 70 permanents associant l’INRAE, l’IRD, Montpellier SupAgro et le Cirad.
Les travaux conduits à Eco&Sols ont pour objectif d’améliorer la compréhension du rôle des organismes du sol et des plantes, ainsi que des interactions entre eux et avec leur milieu, dans les cycles biogéochimiques - cycles C, N et P principalement- au sein des sols et des agro-écosystèmes. Les cycles biogéochimiques du carbone (C) et des nutriments (N et P) sont principalement étudiés dans les agrosystèmes méditerranéens et tropicaux. Les différents composants du sol (particules d’argiles, agrégats, pores…), de la plante (racines, tiges, feuilles, fruits) et l’atmosphère sont étudiés dans ces cycles. La nature des déterminants biotiques et abiotiques des flux de C et de nutriments est étudiée dans des contextes agronomiques variés soumis aux changements climatiques et d’usage des terres.
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1 to 7 of 7 Results
Aug 27, 2024
Belaud, Emma, 2024, "Data from : In situ soil imaging, a tool for monitoring the hourly to monthly temporal dynamics of soil biota",, Recherche Data Gouv
This dataset displays the data and R code used in the paper "In situ soil imaging, a tool for monitoring the hourly to monthly temporal dynamics of soil biota". The studied site was a 10-yr old black Périgord truffle field located in Uchaux (Vaucluse, France). Data were acquired...
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Jun 14, 2024
Demenois, Julien; Fujisaki, Kenji; Chevallier, Tiphaine; Bispo, Antonio; Laurent, Jean-Baptiste; Thévenin, François; Chapuis-Lardy, Lydie; Cardinael, Rémi; Freycon, Vincent; Bénédet, Fabrice; Le Bas, Christine; Tella, Marie; Blanfort, Vincent; Brossard, Michel, 2024, "DATA4C+ - A thesaurus to define land management practices in agriculture and forestry for soil carbon storage",, CIRAD Dataverse
DATA4C+ is a thesaurus classifying and defining land management practices in agriculture and forestry for soil carbon storage. DATA4C+ thesaurus is focussed on land management practices identified in the scientific literature as drivers of soil organic carbon (SOC) changes. DATA4...
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Jun 13, 2024
Lahmar, Rabah; Douzet, Jean-Marie; Jourdan, Christophe; Cournac, Laurent; Merckx, Roel; Yacouba, Hamma, 2024, "Crop-News: Experimenting intercropping cereal (Sorghum bicolor) and native evergreen woody shrub (Piliostigma sp) at Kamboinse - Burkina Faso - 2013-2017",, CIRAD Dataverse
Intercropping sorghum and native evergreen woody shrub was tested during this period, using 2 soil tillage methods : Zai vs No-tillage, and 4 shrub densities (0, low, medium and high).
This dataset is harvested from another repository. The link will take you directly to the source of the data.
Jun 13, 2024
Lahmar, Rabah; Douzet, Jean-Marie; Jourdan, Christophe; Cournac, Laurent, 2024, "Crop-News: Experimenting intercropping Sorghum sp., cowpea and native evergreen woody shrub (Piliostigma sp) at Kamboinse - Burkina Faso - 2018-2022",, CIRAD Dataverse
Intercropping sorghum sp., cowpea and native evergreen woody shrub was tested during this period, using 2 soil tillage methods : Zai vs No-tillage, and 4 shrub densities (0, low, medium and high).
This dataset is harvested from another repository. The link will take you directly to the source of the data.
Oct 25, 2023
Laurent, Céline; Bravin, Matthieu; Blanchart, Eric; Crouzet, Olivier; Pelosi, Céline; Lamy, Isabelle, 2023, "Replication Data for: Does a decade of soil organic fertilization promote copper and zinc bioavailability to epi-endogeic earthworms?",, CIRAD Dataverse
Dataset of the paper entitled "Does a decade of soil organic fertilization promote copper and zinc bioavailability to epi-endogeic earthworms?" While long-term organic fertilizer (OF) application tends to decrease copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) availability in agricultural soils, eart...
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Oct 24, 2023
Nobile, Cécile M.; Bravin, Matthieu N.; Tillard, Emmanuel; Becquer, Thierry; Paillat, Jean-Marie, 2023, "Replication Data for: "Phosphorus sorption capacity and availability along a toposequence of agricultural soils: distinct effects of soil type and decadal fertilizer applications"",, CIRAD Dataverse
Dataset of the paper entitled "Phosphorus sorption capacity and availability along a toposequence of agricultural soils: distinct effects of soil type and decadal fertilizer applications". Five field trials where mineral and organic fertilizers were applied for a decade along a t...
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Jan 1, 2023
Jaillard, Benoît; Razanamalala, Kanto; Violle, Cyrille; Bernard, Laetitia, 2023, "Data from: Nonlinear Effects Induced by Interactions among Functional Groups of Bacteria and Fungi Regulate the Priming Effect in Malagasy Soils.",, Recherche Data Gouv
Data and R-code used in the paper Nonlinear Effects Induced by Interactions among Functional Groups of Bacteria and Fungi Regulate the Priming Effect in Malagasy Soils, by Benoît Jaillard, Kanto Razanamalala, Cyrille Violle and Laetitia Bernard, published in Microorganisms 2023,...
This dataset is harvested from another repository. The link will take you directly to the source of the data.
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