This folder contains the data necessary for the analysis described in GrAnnoT's paper (doi), and the files produced with this data. The command lines used to process this data and produce the outputs are described in the file "grannot_analysis_command_lines.txt". The only unprovided data are the 12 genomes sequences, issued from the paper from 2020 by Zhou, Y., Chebotarov, D., Kudrna, D. et al., "A platinum standard pan-genome resource that represents the population structure of Asian rice" (doi:10.1038/s41597-020-0438-2). These genomes were used to build the rice pangenome graph (along with the Nipponbare reference (doi:10.1186/1939-8433-6-4)), and for the Liftoff transfers. The rice annotation comes from the Rice Genome Annotation Project, available at The E.coli genomes used to build the pangenome graph come from the paper available at The K12_MG1655 annotation is adapted from : to match the pangenome graph. The graph was made by the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium, and is available at The human genomes for the Liftoff transfer come from The CHM13 annotation is adapted from : to match the pangenome graph. This folder is organised as such : . ├── data │   ├── ecoli │   │   ├── EcoliGraph_MGC.gfa │   │   ├── feature_types.txt │   │   ├── K_12_MG1655_09949b0.fasta │   │   ├── O127_H6_E2348_69_193637c.fasta │   │   └── sequence_filter_rename_K_12_MG1655_09949b0.gff3 │   ├── human │   │   ├── CHM13_chr1.gff │   │   ├── chm13.draft_v1.1_chr1.fasta │   │   ├── feature_types.txt │   │   ├── GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_chr1.fna │   │   └── HumanChr1Graph_renamePaths.gfa │   └── rice │   ├── GCA_009830595.1_AzucenaRS1_genomic.fna │ ├── nb_allFeatures.fa │   ├── nb_allFeatures.gff3 │   ├── nb_allFeatures_renamed_filter.bed │   ├── nb_allFeatures_renamepath_annotate.gff3 │   ├── refpath_odgi │   ├── refpath_vg │   ├── RiceGraph_MGC.gfa │   ├── RiceGraph_MGC_paths.gfa │   ├── RiceGraph_MGC_refOs127652RS1.gfa │   ├── TIGRv7_ok.fasta │   └── TIGRv7_ok.genome ├── grannot_analysis_command_lines.txt ├── outputs │   ├── ecoli │   │   ├── intermediate_files │   │   │   ├── reference_all_genes.fa │   │   │   └── reference_all_to_target_all.sam │   │   ├── liftoff_transfer_k12_to_0127.gff │   │   ├── O127_H6_E2348_69_193637c │   │   │   └── O127_H6_E2348_69_193637c.gff │   │   └── unmapped_features.txt │   ├── human │   │   ├── GRCh38 │   │   │   └── GRCh38.gff │   │   ├── intermediate_files │   │   │   ├── reference_all_genes.fa │   │   │   └── reference_all_to_target_all.sam │   │   ├── liftoff_transfer_chm13_to_grch38.gff │   │   └── unmapped_features.txt │   └── rice │   ├── back_forth_transfer │   │   ├── grannot │   │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1.gff │   │   │   └── IRGSP.gff │   │   └── liftoff │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1.gff3 │   │   └── IRGSP.gff3 │   ├── grannot │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1 │   │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1.gff │   │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1_var_sorted.txt │   │   │   └── AzucenaRS1_var.txt │ │ ├── AzucenaRS1_refOs127652RS1.gff │ │ ├── RiceGraph_MGC.gaf │   │   └── segments.txt │   ├── grannot_multi │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1 │   │   │   └── AzucenaRS1.gff │   │   ├── Os117425RS1 │   │   │   └── Os117425RS1.gff │   │   ├── etc... │   │   └── PAV_matrix.txt │ ├── graphaligner │ │   └── graphaligner_rice_transfer.gaf │   ├── liftoff_multi │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1_named.db.gff │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1_named.gff │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1_named_unmappeddb.txt │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1_named_unmapped.txt │   │   ├── Os117425RS1_named.db.gff │   │   ├── Os117425RS1_named.gff │   │   ├── Os117425RS1_named_unmappeddb.txt │   │   ├── Os117425RS1_named_unmapped.txt │   │   └── etc... │   ├── odgi │   │   └── odgi_transfer_nb_azu.bed │   └── vg │   ├── nb_allFeatures_annotate.gaf │   ├── nb_allFeatures_annotate.gam │   ├── nb_allFeatures_renamed_filter.bam │   ├── nb_allFeatures_renamed_filter.gaf │   ├── nb_allFeatures_renamed_filter.sam │   └── RiceGraph_MGC_paths.xg └── readme.txt
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Mar 10, 2025
Marthe, Nina; Sabot, Francois, 2025, "Data for GrAnnoT",, DataSuds, V3
Data for GrAnnoT paper
Mar 10, 2025 - Data for GrAnnoT
Unknown - 368.4 MB - MD5: d621f8e18ef4fce7aef9ddb0b00db2cf
Mar 10, 2025 - Data for GrAnnoT
Unknown - 152.4 MB - MD5: 1f0269e5728a0ed5f83188cd08792c41
Mar 10, 2025 - Data for GrAnnoT
Unknown - 240.8 MB - MD5: ab2421da8b88a867d087c3f452a6969f
Mar 10, 2025 - Data for GrAnnoT
Unknown - 112.8 MB - MD5: e5183acfb527fcd7b01ac4386d7be290
Mar 10, 2025 - Data for GrAnnoT
Plain Text - 104 B - MD5: 6752a18a92500cff53d9d8c4210fc1bc
Mar 10, 2025 - Data for GrAnnoT
Plain Text - 638 B - MD5: 571dcfb312543edd81dca0524212459a
Mar 10, 2025 - Data for GrAnnoT
Unknown - 240.8 MB - MD5: 90780be24a8555613e6ad0bd2f8a0935
Mar 10, 2025 - Data for GrAnnoT
Unknown - 363.7 MB - MD5: e923ca38bac7f347ffbf88142b93428f
Mar 10, 2025 - Data for GrAnnoT
Unknown - 539 B - MD5: 562caffe11637996021726b3d3a2e59b
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