This folder contains the data necessary for the analysis described in GrAnnoT's paper (doi), and the files produced with this data. The command lines used to process this data and produce the outputs are described in the file "grannot_analysis_command_lines.txt". The only unprovided data are the 12 genomes sequences, issued from the paper from 2020 by Zhou, Y., Chebotarov, D., Kudrna, D. et al., "A platinum standard pan-genome resource that represents the population structure of Asian rice" (doi:10.1038/s41597-020-0438-2). These genomes were used to build the rice pangenome graph (along with the Nipponbare reference (doi:10.1186/1939-8433-6-4)), and for the Liftoff transfers. The rice annotation comes from the Rice Genome Annotation Project, available at The E.coli genomes used to build the pangenome graph come from the paper available at The K12_MG1655 annotation is adapted from : to match the pangenome graph. The graph was made by the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium, and is available at The human genomes for the Liftoff transfer come from The CHM13 annotation is adapted from : to match the pangenome graph. This folder is organised as such : . ├── data │   ├── ecoli │   │   ├── EcoliGraph_MGC.gfa │   │   ├── feature_types.txt │   │   ├── K_12_MG1655_09949b0.fasta │   │   ├── O127_H6_E2348_69_193637c.fasta │   │   └── sequence_filter_rename_K_12_MG1655_09949b0.gff3 │   ├── human │   │   ├── CHM13_chr1.gff │   │   ├── chm13.draft_v1.1_chr1.fasta │   │   ├── feature_types.txt │   │   ├── GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_chr1.fna │   │   └── HumanChr1Graph_renamePaths.gfa │   └── rice │   ├── GCA_009830595.1_AzucenaRS1_genomic.fna │ ├── nb_allFeatures.fa │   ├── nb_allFeatures.gff3 │   ├── nb_allFeatures_renamed_filter.bed │   ├── nb_allFeatures_renamepath_annotate.gff3 │   ├── refpath_odgi │   ├── refpath_vg │   ├── RiceGraph_MGC.gfa │   ├── RiceGraph_MGC_paths.gfa │   ├── RiceGraph_MGC_refOs127652RS1.gfa │   ├── TIGRv7_ok.fasta │   └── TIGRv7_ok.genome ├── grannot_analysis_command_lines.txt ├── outputs │   ├── ecoli │   │   ├── intermediate_files │   │   │   ├── reference_all_genes.fa │   │   │   └── reference_all_to_target_all.sam │   │   ├── liftoff_transfer_k12_to_0127.gff │   │   ├── O127_H6_E2348_69_193637c │   │   │   └── O127_H6_E2348_69_193637c.gff │   │   └── unmapped_features.txt │   ├── human │   │   ├── GRCh38 │   │   │   └── GRCh38.gff │   │   ├── intermediate_files │   │   │   ├── reference_all_genes.fa │   │   │   └── reference_all_to_target_all.sam │   │   ├── liftoff_transfer_chm13_to_grch38.gff │   │   └── unmapped_features.txt │   └── rice │   ├── back_forth_transfer │   │   ├── grannot │   │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1.gff │   │   │   └── IRGSP.gff │   │   └── liftoff │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1.gff3 │   │   └── IRGSP.gff3 │   ├── grannot │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1 │   │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1.gff │   │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1_var_sorted.txt │   │   │   └── AzucenaRS1_var.txt │ │ ├── AzucenaRS1_refOs127652RS1.gff │ │ ├── RiceGraph_MGC.gaf │   │   └── segments.txt │   ├── grannot_multi │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1 │   │   │   └── AzucenaRS1.gff │   │   ├── Os117425RS1 │   │   │   └── Os117425RS1.gff │   │   ├── etc... │   │   └── PAV_matrix.txt │ ├── graphaligner │ │   └── graphaligner_rice_transfer.gaf │   ├── liftoff_multi │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1_named.db.gff │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1_named.gff │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1_named_unmappeddb.txt │   │   ├── AzucenaRS1_named_unmapped.txt │   │   ├── Os117425RS1_named.db.gff │   │   ├── Os117425RS1_named.gff │   │   ├── Os117425RS1_named_unmappeddb.txt │   │   ├── Os117425RS1_named_unmapped.txt │   │   └── etc... │   ├── odgi │   │   └── odgi_transfer_nb_azu.bed │   └── vg │   ├── nb_allFeatures_annotate.gaf │   ├── nb_allFeatures_annotate.gam │   ├── nb_allFeatures_renamed_filter.bam │   ├── nb_allFeatures_renamed_filter.gaf │   ├── nb_allFeatures_renamed_filter.sam │   └── RiceGraph_MGC_paths.xg └── readme.txt
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Mar 10, 2025 - Output for Grannot
Plain Text - 45.3 KB - MD5: 696d7353709b6ad139f5a04a846ad34e
Mar 10, 2025 - Output for Grannot
Unknown - 116.4 MB - MD5: d2f831b6804b4ef6520747c68d9a1cdf
Mar 10, 2025 - Output for Grannot
Unknown - 116.6 MB - MD5: 43da37490658f5b21bd1b1d7295854fc
Mar 10, 2025 - Output for Grannot
Unknown - 116.6 MB - MD5: 60aefdcc00a86a3d8dd9a0f63238f79d
Mar 10, 2025 - Output for Grannot
Plain Text - 28.2 KB - MD5: c438479e9283ecec96b2276f97af7d62
Mar 10, 2025 - Output for Grannot
Plain Text - 28.2 KB - MD5: 75ed2446d6825f03015a6420e12bce6a
Mar 10, 2025 - Output for Grannot
Unknown - 119.4 MB - MD5: 76897e5f9316fab58b2a0c4256eb6785
Mar 10, 2025 - Output for Grannot
Unknown - 117.4 MB - MD5: fdcceb0f5ea9a20a5d35c93b86da8e11
Mar 10, 2025 - Output for Grannot
Unknown - 117.4 MB - MD5: d43e6dfccdf63367c4b278186308b182
Mar 10, 2025 - Output for Grannot
Plain Text - 21.8 KB - MD5: 9907c496040827fbf819236253370708
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