Research Observatory on Water and Society Interactions in the Abidjan district (ORIESA) (Côte d'Ivoire)

The preservation of water resources and their quality, as well as universal access to drinking water and sanitation are major issues to contribute to the sustainability and resilience of cities and particularly of African megacities whose populations will double in the next 20 years. So, these challenges constitute 3 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 6, 11 and 15) of the United Nations for 2030.
The metropolis of Abidjan (4.9 million inhabitants) is an illustrative case of the cities on the edge of the Gulf of Guinea: tension on groundwater resources which impose the use of surface water generally more vulnerable to the pollutions due to the weakness or the lack of sanitation systems, development of pathogens (bacteria, viruses) or vectors (mosquitoes) in the waters, intensification of floods due to uncontrolled urbanization and deficiency of drainage networks, complexification of the governance system and poor organization of services. This situation carries risks in the broad sense and could have serious environmental, health, social, economic and therefore societal consequences. Better scientific knowledge of the Abidjan urban hydro-socio-system, in the long term, would improve urban policies for managing and reducing these risks.

ORIESA already gathers data acquired in the context of two research projects associating the Abidjan Nangui Abrogoua and Félix Houphouët Boigny Universities and the the french institute for sustainable sciences, IRD:
  • The Aghien lagoon, a sustainable source of drinking water for the city of Abidjan? (2015-2018)
  • Extreme rainfall events, vulnerability to floods and to water contamination (2018-2021)

Observatoire de Recherche sur les Interactions Eaux et Société dans le district d’Abidjan (ORIESA) (Côte d'Ivoire)

La préservation des ressources en eau et de leur qualité, ainsi que l’accès universel à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement sont des enjeux majeurs pour contribuer à la durabilité et la résilience des villes et particulièrement des métropoles africaines dont les populations doubleront dans les 20 prochaines années. A ce titre, ces enjeux constituent 3 des 17 Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD6, 11 et 15) des Nations Unies pour 2030.
La métropole d’Abidjan (4.9 millions d’habitants) est un cas illustratif des villes de la bordure du Golfe de Guinée : tension sur les ressources en eaux souterraines nécessitant le recours à des eaux de surface de plus en plus polluées du fait de la faiblesse ou de l’absence de systèmes d’assainissement, développement d’agents pathogènes (bactéries, virus) ou de vecteurs (moustiques) dans les eaux, intensification des inondations du fait d’une urbanisation mal maitrisée et de la déficience des réseaux de drainage, complexification du système gouvernance et mauvaises organisations des services. Cette situation est porteuse de risques au sens large et pourrait avoir de graves conséquences environnementales, sanitaires, sociales, économiques et donc sociétales. Une meilleure connaissance scientifique de l'hydro-socio-système urbain abidjanais, sur le long terme, permettrait d’améliorer les politiques urbaines de gestion et de réduction de ces risques.

ORIESA regroupe d’ores et déjà des données acquises dans le cadre de deux projets de recherches associant les universités abidjanaises Nangui Abrogoua et Félix Houphouët Boigny ainsi que l’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement :
  • La lagune d’Aghien une source durable d’eau potable pour la ville d’Abidjan ? (2015-2018)
  • Evénements pluvieux extrêmes, vulnérabilité aux inondations et à la contamination des eaux (2018-2021)
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1 to 7 of 7 Results
Sep 4, 2023
Zahiri, Eric; Seguis, Luc; Kacou, Modeste; Kamagaté, Bamory; Dao, Amidou; Perrin, Jean-Louis; Koffi, Serge Ehouman; Guilliod, Maurice; Dutremble, Clément, 2021, "5 minutes rainfall in Abidjan district (Côte d'Ivoire) (2015-)",, DataSuds, V6, UNF:6:INoaIN6JfwMrvpZhooU4/A== [fileUNF]
5-minutes rainfall from 21 pluviographs located in the District of Abidjan (Ivory Coast) The rain is recorded with tipping buckets rain gauge (tilting of the bucket for 0.5mm) Précis Mécanique® (rain interception cone 1.5m from the ground and with an area equal to 400 cm2). Tippi...
Aug 31, 2023
Zahiri, Eric; Seguis, Luc; Kacou, Modeste; Kamagate, Bamory; Dao, Amidou; Perrin, Jean-Louis; Koffi, Serge Ehouman; Guilliod,Maurice; Dutremble, Clément, 2021, "Daily rainfall in Abidjan district (Côte d'Ivoire) (2015-)",, DataSuds, V8, UNF:6:sG57ExU/kdBAVS+xCNDwpg== [fileUNF]
Daily rainfall from 21 pluviographs located in the District of Abidjan (Ivory Coast) The daily rain is recorded with tipping buckets rain gauge (tilting of the bucket for 0.5mm) Précis Mécanique® (rain interception cone 1.5m from the ground and with an area equal to 400 cm2). Tip...
Dec 9, 2022
Seguis, Luc; Perrin, Jean-Louis; Koffi, Ehouman Serge; Dutremble, Clement; Dao, Amidou; Zahiri, Eric-Pascal, 2022, "Water level in the Riviera catchment (Cocody, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire) (2020-)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:qpk2bH4/yS5zDzQxyJ3Nyw== [fileUNF]
The Riviera watershed (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire) is urbanized and prone to flooding from overflowing stormwater drainage channels. This dataset provides instantaneous water level (cm) measured every minute in Palmeraie station in Cocody, Abidjan (Longitude -3,953755 Latitude 5,3746...
Feb 2, 2021
Perrin, Jean-Louis; Koffi Jean Thierry; Séguis Luc; Goné Droh Lanciné; Yéo Marthe; Seidel Jean-Luc; Kamagaté Bamory, 2021, "Water Quality - Aghien Lagoon and its catchment (Ivory Coast) (2015-2016)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:5uk+T4Rw430/3M9xTEsvhw== [fileUNF]
Measurement campaigns of the water quality of the Aghien Lagoon and its main tributaries between 2015 and 2016, carried out under the program "The Aghien lagoon: a sustainable source of drinking water for the city of Abidjan? (2015-2018)" Nine Excel data files corresponding to th...
Jan 27, 2021
Kamagate, Bamory; Seguis, Luc; Perrin, Jean-Louis; Guilliod, Maurice; Koffi, Serge Ehouman, 2021, "Water level in the Aghien lagoon and in the rivers linked to the lagoon (2015-)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:k5ICU8izBWm7bcX03xX5ig== [fileUNF]
To face the difficulties involved in supplying freshwater to Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), the Aghien Lagoon is a potential resource for production of drinking water. A hydro-meteorological network was installed with the objective of assessing the sustainability of the lagoon in terms...
Jan 25, 2021
Kamagate, Bamory; Seguis, Luc; Perrin, Jean-Louis; Guilliod, Maurice; Koffi, Serge Ehouman, 2021, "15 minutes flow in the rivers linked to the Aghien lagoon (2015-)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:/dBeGVh8T8XePCDQBBCRbQ== [fileUNF]
To face the difficulties involved in supplying freshwater to Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), the Aghien Lagoon is a potential resource for production of drinking water. A hydro-meteorological network was installed with the objective of assessing the sustainability of the lagoon in terms...
Jan 22, 2021
Kamagate, Bamory; Seguis, Luc; Perrin, Jean-Louis; Guilliod, Maurice; Koffi, Serge Ehouman, 2021, "Daily flow in the rivers linked to the Aghien lagoon (2015-)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:CgggwujzkKw0lbls1dml8g== [fileUNF]
To face the difficulties involved in supplying freshwater to Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), the Aghien Lagoon is a potential resource for production of drinking water. A hydro-meteorological network was installed with the objective of assessing the sustainability of the lagoon in terms...
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